January 18, 2023 Agenda

Primary tabs

Wednesday, January 18, 2023 - 7:00pm
1. Statement of Public Notice of Meeting in Accordance with New Jersey Public Meeting Act
2. Motion for Executive Session
3. Reconvene
4. Flag Salute
5. Approval of Minutes
A. December 14, 2022 Executive Minutes (attachment)
B. December 14, 2022 Public Minutes (attachment)
C. January 4, 2023 Annual Reorganization Minutes (attachment)
6. Opportunity for Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
7. President’s Report
8. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
A. Recognition of Bowe Middle School Bulldogs of Character Students, Craig Stephenson
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Felix Nicholson
Seth Taylor
Joey Mingioni
Bianca Esgro
Samantha Lowe
Ethan Bucci
Chloe Brown
Danny Cortez
Grayson Stark
Ivoryanna Littles
Alastair Edu
Elizabeth Mann
Kevon Thomas Zoey Santiago Fanta Barro
B. 2023 Strategic Planning Update Presentation, Dr. Mark Silverstein (attachment)
9. Board Committee Reports & Action Items
10. Old Business
11. New Business
A. GHS Media Center Resolution (attachment)
12. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board of Education
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
13. Adjournment


DATE:              January 18, 2023
TIME:               7:00 PM
LOCATION:      Glassboro High School Auditorium


Public notice of this meeting or work session has been made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Law of 1975.
Advanced public notice of this meeting was given December 20, 2022 including the time, date and place of the meeting.
Said public notice has been made as follows:
Notice has been posted in the Board of Education Office, Carpenter Street and Bowe Boulevard, Glassboro, NJ
Notice has been communicated to the following newspapers:
a.  South Jersey Times
b.  Courier Post
Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro
Glassboro Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, NJ


WHEREAS The matters to be discussed in Part I of this session are matters listed for private discussion under Section 7, b, (1)-(9) of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, and 
WHEREAS The general nature of the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda for Part I of this meeting, attached, and 
WHEREAS The discussion on these matters will be disclosed to the public, if possible, when the Board convenes or at the next regular meeting of the Glassboro Board of Education on 
Date:                January 18, 2023
Time:                5:30 PM
Location:           Glassboro High School Media Center
BE IT RESOLVED That the Glassboro Board of Education will discuss the matters listed in the agenda for Part I of this session in private. 

1. Instruction

A. Grants/Assessments/Curriculum/Workshops/Professional Development
1. Grants
a. ESEA Carryover Funds & Amendment
Recommend Board approval of the ESEA Grant Amendment & Carryover Funds for the 2022-2023 school year. The amended application accounts for small changes in areas such as Professional Development and staff training, educational software, and professional services for various student sub-groups. (attachment)
Original Allocation
Title I
Title II
$  84,009.00
$  65,356.00
Title III
$  13,913.00
$  12,188.00
Title III Immigrant
Title IV
$  48,695.00
$  29,408.00
2. Title I Staff
a. Title I Staff Salaries
Recommend Board approval to amend the Title I ESEA-ESSA salaries for the following staff members for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
% Title I
Grant Salary
Michele Memis
Wayne Rulon
Michelle Meehan
3. Assessments
4. Curriculum
5. Professional Development/Workshops
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached professional development/ workshops. (attachment)
b. NJTESOL Conference
Recommend Board approval for payment to the following staff members to attend the NJTESOL Conference in New Brunswick, NJ from May 23, 2023 to May 25, 2023.  Cost to the district is approximately $2,500.00 to be paid through Title III funds.  Costs include travel, hotel, registration fees, meals, and tolls.  The conference provides ESL teachers with updated regulations and best practices in the subject.
Rona Johnson
Maureen Morrison
Simone Marques
Conference registration (includes TESOL membership)
$   153.24
Meals ($69.00 per day according to GSA per diem rates)
$   345.00
Hotel (1 room for 2 staff members: GSA per diem rate $116.00 per person)
$   433.28
Total (not including tolls)
c. AVID District Leadership Training Conference
Recommend Board approval for payment to Andrew Kerns-Pancoast to attend the AVID District Leadership Training Conference in Baltimore, MD from March 8, 2023 to March 10, 2023 at a cost of approximately $637.22 to be paid through Title II funds. Costs include travel, hotel, meals, and tolls.  The conference provides district leadership with best practices for implementation and includes a site visit to an AVID showcase school. (attachment)
Mileage: 224 miles roundtrip x $0.6555 per mile according to GSA rate
Meals: 2 days x $51.75 per day and 1 day x $69.00 according to GSA per diem rate
Hotel: 1 room for 1 staff member x 2 nights at conference group rate of $159.00 per room
Total not including tolls)
B. Field Experiences/Enrollment
1. Field Experience
a. Rowan University-SAC Practicum
Recommend Board ratify Rowan University student, Hope Booker, for a Student Assistance Coordinator Practicum with Melissa Ullom from January 17, 2023 to April 27, 2023 at Glassboro High School. Ms. Booker is required to complete 300 hours in a school setting. (attachment)
b. Rowan University-Health/PE Field Experience
Recommend Board approval for the following Rowan University student for 10 hours of Health/PE Field Experience at Glassboro High School during the Spring Semester 2023.  Rowan faculty will be supervising all teacher candidates during the Field Experience.  Students will be divided into groups with Paul Cynewski, Maria Grady, Brett Hillman, and Arielle Marshall.
March 21, 23, 28, 30, 2023 / April 4, 6, 2023
Rachel Adams
Francesca Carrozza
Sabrina Finneran
Nicholas Kulikowski
Zachary Mayo
Cassidy McErlain
Robert McMillan
Sean Milligan
Lauren Nicoletto
Ryan O’Melia
Megan Prasek
Todd Sliwecki
Robert Stashek
Rachel Wright
2. Enrollment/ADA (attachment)
C. Testing
D. Special Education/Other Student Issues
1. OOD Placement-Student ID #23-06
Recommend Board approval for placement of Student ID #23-06 at Gloucester County Special Services School District for the 2022-2023 school year.  Start date to be determined.  Tuition rate is $231.00 per diem. Cost to the district is $23,793.00. (attachment)
2. Interactive Kids Educational Services, LLC
Recommend Board approval of the updated contract with Interactive Kids Educational Services, LLC for Functional Behavior Assessments. (attachment)
3. Staff Children Attending District Schools
Recommend Board approval of the following children of staff members to attend the below listed schools for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
Staff Member
Tameeka Outtene
Dayanna Outtene
E. Athletics
F. Miscellaneous
1. Amended 2022-2023 School Calendar
Recommend Board approval to amend the 2022-2023 School Calendar to reflect a change of Snow Day dates. (attachment)
2. Title I Family Night-Thomas E. Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board approval for the following staff members to be paid through Title I funds for preparation and hosting Title I Family Night at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School on January 31, 2023 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm.  Teachers will be paid for two hours for the event and one hour of preparation time at $40.00 per hour.  Family Night will provide activities related to literacy and math for families in Thomas E. Bowe Middle School. (attachment)
Staff Member
Brittinee Garcia
Michelle Meehan
Valerie Delia
Samantha Shoemaker
Vanessa Poggioli
3. Title I Basic Skills Extended School Day
Recommend Board ratify the Title I Basic Skills Extended School Day (ESD) program that will run from January 2023 through April 2023 at GHS and Dorothy L. Bullock School. The Title I ESD program at GHS will run 3 days per week for 1 hour each day. 2 Staff members will be paid for 1 hour of instruction daily and a half hour for prep/arrival/dismissal each day (staff will be based on availability each week). The program will address learning needs and learning loss in both ELA and math for all students who need remediation or assistance on an assignment or in a subject area.  Students will receive targeted interventions to meet their individual needs. The maximum cost of the program will not exceed $6,000 and will be funded through Title I funds.
The Title I Extended School Day (ESD) program at Dorothy L. Bullock School will run 2 days per week from February 2023 to April 2023, with up to 2 staff members per grade level (staff TBD). Students will receive an hour of remediation in math each day and will be offered to students who are identified at risk according to MAP assessment scores. Students will receive targeted interventions to meet their individual needs. Staff members will be paid for 1 hour of instruction daily and a half hour for prep/arrival/dismissal each day at the hourly rate. Total cost of the program is estimated to be $16,000 and will be funded in combination through Title I funds.
4. 2022-2023 Title I Schoolwide Plan
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 Title I Schoolwide Applications for the J. Harvey Rodgers School, Dorothy L. Bullock School, Thomas E. Bowe Middle School, and Glassboro High School. The district currently operates under a targeted assistance Title I program at the Pre-K-12 level. Students would benefit from a Schoolwide program which would permit more flexibility with providing programming and assistance to all students. (attachment)
a. Schoolwide Plan-J. Harvey Rodgers School (attachment)
b. Schoolwide Plan-Dorothy L. Bullock School (attachment)
c. Schoolwide Plan-Thomas E. Bowe Middle School (attachment)
d. Schoolwide Plan-Glassboro High School (attachment)
G. Informational
1. HIB Report (attachment)
2. Suspensions (attachment)
3. Board Reports
a. Rodgers (attachment)
b. Bullock (attachment)
c. Bowe MS (attachment)
d. GHS/GHS Guidance/Athletics (attachment)
e. AEHS (attachment)
f. Rodgers Guidance (attachment)
g. Bullock Guidance (attachment)
h. Bowe MS Guidance (attachment)
i. CST (attachment)
4. Chief Academic Officer Report (attachment)

2. Operations

A. Building Issues
1. Rodgers School
2. Bullock School
3. Bowe Middle School
4. High School
5. Beach Administration Building
6. Technology
B. Awards/Donations
C. Transportation
1. Transportation Quote
Recommend Board approval awarding of transportation quote PINE03Q to Move Me Transport, LLC from Ranch Hope (Alloway) to Pinelands Learning Center (Vineland). The daily rate will be $530.00 a day with a $.99 adjustment (inc./dec.) and an aide cost of $90 per day.  The contractor has the potential to operate up to $50,880.00 per annum - 96 student beginning January 19, 2023 for the 2022-2023 school year. Note: The contract amount of $50,880 per annum is over the transportation bid threshold of $20,200.00; therefore, the contract has been placed out to bid, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:27-9.12(b). (attachment)
D. Budget Recommendations/Grants
1. Recommend Board approval of the following Reports per attachments:
a. Warrant Account Bill List January 2023 (attachment)
b. Handwritten Check List December 1-31, 2022 (attachment)
c. Board Secretary’s Report December 2022 (attachment)
d. Revenue Report December 2022 (attachment)
e. Treasurer’s Report December 2022 (attachment)
f. Food Service Profit & Loss December 2022 (attachment)
g. Food Service Dashboard December 2022 (attachment)
Board Secretary’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of December 2022.  The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Treasurer’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of December 2022.  The Treasurer’s Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the month of December 2022.
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.
Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4.  We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2. Transfer Authorization
a. Recommend Board approval of the authorized transfers for December 2022. (attachment)
E. Resolutions/Contracted Services
1. Policies/Regulations
Recommend Board approval for the first reading of the following policies/regulations. (attachment)
Policy 2414
Programs & Services for Students in High Poverty & in High Need School District
Policy 2622
Student Assessment
Policy 5200
Regulation 5200
Policy 5320
Regulation 5320
Policy 5460
High School Graduation
Policy 5512
Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying
Regulation 5530
Substance Abuse
Policy 5541
Policy 5600
Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Regulation 5600
Student Discipline/Code of Conduct
Policy 8420
Emergency & Crisis Situations
Policy 9320
Cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies
2. Auction and/or Disposal of Obsolete Facilities Equipment
Recommend Board approval for the auction and/or disposal of obsolete facilities equipment.  All items will be listed on Gov Deals for auction.  Any remaining items not purchased will be sold for scrap and recycled. (attachment)
Vehicle #21 – 1986 Chevy Stake Body
Vehicle #23 – 1991 Chevy Pickup 4x4
Miscellaneous Grounds Equipment:
Ford CM274 Tractor
Sports containers for beverages
3. Clear Touch Panels
Recommend Board approval for the purchase of 10 Clear Touch Panels, brackets, stands, warranty, and installation from Educate-Me.Net, using both PEA (Preschool Expansion) ARP-ESSER (ESSER III) grant funds as budgeted. (attachment)
Vendor: Educate-Me.Net
Quote: #1874
State Contract #T0114/Master Purchase Order 17-FOOD-00265
Amount not to Exceed: $71,227.89
PEA:     $22,000.00
ARP:    $49,227.89
4. Shared Services-SRO
Recommend Board approval for one additional School Resource Officer for Glassboro Public Schools as agreed upon by the Borough of Glassboro. (attachment)
5. FSMC Termination & RFP
Recommend Board approval of the following resolution. (attachment)
Be it Resolved that the Glassboro Board of Education does hereby give the district’s Food Service Management Company sixty (60) day notice of termination as of January 19, 2023; and
Furthermore, the Board of Education approves the submission of an Emergency RFP to the State of New Jersey, Department of Agriculture, for approval; and
After approval, the Board of Education does approve the RFP process for obtaining a new Food Service Management Company.
6. Playground Addition-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval for the purchase and installation of playground equipment for the J. Harvey Rodgers School, using both PEA (Preschool Expansion) ARP-ESSER (ESSER III) grant funds as budgeted. (attachment)
Vendor: Becker’s School Supplies
State Contract Master Purchase Order 16-FLEET-00119
Amount not to Exceed: $62,323.99
PEA:     $20,000.00
ARP:    $42,323.99
F. Informational – Reports/Articles/Miscellaneous
1. Reports
a. Maintenance Report (attachment)
b. Security Drill Report (attachment)
c. Facility Request Report (none at this time)
d.  IT Report (attachment)
2. Articles
3. Miscellaneous
a. Bond Referendum Committee Summary (attachment)
1) Bond Referendum Project List (attachment)
b. After Prom Insurance (attachment)

3. Administration

A. Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescind Action
1. Resignations
a. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Anastasia Sorkin effective March 3, 2023. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board ratify the resignation of Lauryn Satchell effective January 11, 2023. (attachment)
c. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Laura Foreman effective March 3, 2023. (attachment)
d. Recommend Board approval for the resignation as Boys Soccer Team Head Coach, Alexis Mendoza, effective January 11, 2023. (attachment)
e. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Gary West effective January 26, 2023. (attachment)
2. Revocation of Tenure
3. Dismissal/Suspension
a. Suspension
Recommend Board ratify suspension without pay for three days for Employee #5874 effective December 20, 2022. (attachment)
4. Leaves of Absence
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached January 2023 Leave of Absence list. (attachment)
5. Retirement
a. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Joan Mannino effective June 30, 2023. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Mary Aruffo effective June 30, 2023. (attachment)
6. Reduction in Force
7. Increment Withholding
B. New Employees/Transfers/Assignments/Contracts
1. New Employees
Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following personnel recommendations are submitted as follows.
a. Teachers/Nurses/Secretaries/Aides
1) Spanish Teacher-GHS
Recommend Board approval of Georgeann Miller, pending certification clearance from the NJ Department of Education and a positive criminal history background check, as Spanish Teacher, BA+30 Step 18, at GHS for the 2022-2023 school year at an annual prorated salary of $90,073.00.  Start date to be determined. Ms. Miller is replacing Patricia Yanez due to resignation. (attachment)
2) ELA Teacher-Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board approval of Anthony Appel, pending receipt of certification, transcripts, and a positive criminal history background check, as English/Language Arts Teacher, MA Step 1, at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year at an annual prorated salary of $58,672.00.  Start date to be determined.  Mr. Appel is replacing Carol Ceglia due to resignation. (attachment)
3) 1:1 Aide-Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board approval of Chelsea Bittle, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as 1:1 Aide at CST/Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year, 5.75 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step 1, at a rate of $15.99 per hour.  Start date to be determined.  Ms. Bittle is replacing Maya Stokes due to position change. (attachment)
4) Art Teacher-Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board approval of Tyler Monaco, pending receipt of certification, transcripts, and a positive criminal history background check, as Art Teacher, BA+15 Step 1, at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year at an annual prorated salary of $54,472.00.  Start date to be determined.  Mr. Monaco is replacing Patricia Nehrbauer due to resignation. (attachment)
5) Security Aide-Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board approval of Melissa Weber, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as Security Aide at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year, 5 hours per day (9:15 am to 2:15 pm), Step 1, at a rate of $14.13 per hour.  Start date to be determined.  This is a new position. (attachment)
6) Classroom Aide-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Shannon Brereton, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as Classroom Aide at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2022-2023 school year, 5.75 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step 1, at a rate of $15.99 per hour.  Start date to be determined.  Ms. Brereton is replacing Leora Rothschild due to resignation. (attachment)
b. Administration
c. Bus Drivers/Bus Aides
1) Transportation Aide
Recommend Board approval of Carley Cann as a Transportation Aide, 4.5 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step L1Y1, at a salary rate of $18.86 per hour for the 2022-2023 school year.  Start date to be determined. (attachment)
d. Substitute Bus Drivers and Aides
e. Custodians/Housekeeper
f. Substitute Custodians/Grounds
g. Athletics
h. ESS (formerly Source4Teachers) Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of the January 2023 ESS Substitute list. (attachment)
i. Other
2. Employee Transfer/Appointments
3. Assignments
a. Amended Assignment
Recommend Board ratify the assignment of Tameeka Outtene, ABA Aide from J. Harvey Rodgers School to Dorothy L. Bullock School effective immediately.  (attachment)
b. Amended Hours
Recommend Board ratify the hours of Sylvia Holsey, Transportation Aide, from 4.5 hours per day to 4 hours per day, 5 days per week for the remainder of the 2022-2023 school year effective January 4, 2023. (attachment)
4. Contracts
5. Miscellaneous
6. Legal
a. Settlement Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the attached Settlement Agreement between the Glassboro Board of Education and Glassboro Education Association. (attachment)
C. Job Descriptions
1. Job Descriptions-IT Department Restructure
Recommend Board ratify the below newly created Job Titles and corresponding Job Descriptions, in addition to salary increases, for several staff members in the IT Department, effective July 1, 2022. These department restructure changes are to promote growth, retention, and cross-training due to servicing different platforms of devices such as Microsoft, Apple, and Google Chromebooks. (attachment)
a. Computer Technician (attachment)
This job description replaces the original job title/description of PC Support Technician.  Abigail Palen and Adam Myers will remain under this position with no change in salary.
b. Network/Computer Technician (attachment)
This job description will promote Patrick Foltyn from PC Support Technician to Network/Computer Technician with a salary increase of $2,000.00 totaling a prorated annual salary of $48,759.00.
c. Senior Computer Technician (attachment)
This job description will promote Raymond Yansick from PC Support Technician to Senior Computer Technician with a salary increase of $2,000.00 totaling a prorated annual salary of $44,477.00.
D. Public Relations
1. Community Affairs Secretary Report – December (attachment)
E. Miscellaneous
1. 2022-2023 SOA-Use of Paraprofessional Staff
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 Statement of Assurance Regarding the Use of Paraprofessional Staff. (attachment)
2. Bullock Camping Trip
Recommend Board approval to modify the annual camping trip from Bowe Middle School to the Dorothy L. Bullock School for Grade 5 students.  The trip originated as an event for students moving up to middle school status.  Students will attend a one-day camping trip at Camp Ockanickon on June 6, 2023, departing at 9:30 am and leaving camp at 6:30 pm.  A meeting with parents will be held in February to discuss the requirements for students to attend.  Chaperones will be submitted at a later date. Funding is through fundraising, parents and the PTO. (attachment)
3. Saturday School Monitors-GHS
Recommend Board ratify all GHS certificated staff members to serve as Saturday School monitors, on a rotating basis, for the 2022-2023 school year from 7:45 am to 11:15 am, at the hourly rate of $38.11.  Saturday School will be held two Saturdays per month.  Parents/Guardians will be expected to drop off and pick up students from the program. (attachment)
4. Sidebar Agreement-Employee #4659
Recommend Board approval of the Sidebar Agreement, for a one-time exception, releasing retiree severance payout for Employee #4659 as of January 2023 instead of July 2023. (attachment)
5. After-School Detention-Bowe Middle School
Recommend Board ratify all Bowe Middle School certificated staff members to facilitate After-School Detention, one hour and 15 minutes per day, three days per week, at the rate of $38.11 per hour at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School. (attachment)
6. Saturday School Monitors-Bowe Middle School
Recommend  Board ratify all Bowe Middle School certificated staff members to serve as Saturday School Monitors, on a rotating basis, for the 2022-2023 school year from 7:45 am to 11:15 am, at the hourly rate of $38.11.  Saturday School will be held two Saturdays per month at GHS.  Parents/Guardians will be expected to drop off and pick up students from the program. (attachment)
7. Change of Degree and/or Salary Status
Recommend Board approval for a change of degree and/or salary status for the below staff member.  After reviewing records, it is recommended that the change be effective February 1, 2023. (attachment)
Staff Member
Andrea Giroux
8. 2022-2023 Alternative Evening High School Substitute
Recommend Board ratify Lawrence Hickman as Alternative Evening High School Substitute Teacher, on an as-needed basis, at the rate of $40.00 per hour for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
9. Alternative Evening High School
a. AEHS Teaching Staffing
Recommend Board approval of an additional teacher for Alternative Evening High School, Monday through Thursday, 4 hours per day.  This increase in hours is due to an increase in student enrollment.  This will help meet the needs of students and separate students that cannot be in the same room due to discipline issues.  Additional cost to the district is as follows. (attachment)
75 days x 4 hours per day x $40.00 per hour – Totaling $12,000.00
b. AEHS Security Aide
Recommend Board approval to hire a security aide for the Alternative Evening High School, Monday through Thursday, 4.5 hours per day.  This position is due to an increase in students and an expected increase in student enrollment moving forward.  This position will assist in front door responsibilities as well. (attachment)
c. AEHS Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of all certificated staff from Thomas E. Bowe Middle School and GHS as substitute teachers on an as-needed basis, Monday through Thursday, 4.5 hours per day at $40.00 per hour, for Alternative Evening High School.  Due to an increase of students and expected increase in student enrollment moving forward, the program will have availability for additional staffing when needed. (attachment)
10. Loss of Prep/Duty-GHS
Recommend Board approval to compensate certificated staff members at their hourly agreed-upon rate during their prep/duty to cover our World Language classes.  This would allow for consistency in lieu of not being able to secure a long-term substitute.  The staff members would push out assignments through online text and grade assignments; however, they will not be certified in content area.  This is a temporary solution until both positions are filled.  Cost to the district is not to exceed $28,800.00. (attachment)
$40 per class (40 minute coverage plus 20 minute preparation/grading = 60 minutes) x 6 classes per teacher = $480.00 per day x 5 days = $2,400.00 weekly x 12 weeks = $28,800.00.
11. Superintendent Authorization
Recommend Board approval to extend authorization to the Superintendent to offer contracts to staff as needed in consultation with the Board President during February 2023 before the regularly scheduled Board Meetings.
Public Attachments: 
Groups audience: