April 27, 2016 Agenda
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Submitted by mmacmichael on Thu, 03/24/2016 - 8:42am
Wednesday, April 27, 2016 - 7:00pm
1. Statement of Public Notice of Meeting in Accordance with New Jersey Public Meeting Act
2. Motion for Executive Session
3. Reconvene
4. Flag Salute
5. Approval of Minutes
March 23, 2016 Executive Minutes (attachment)
March 23, 2016 Public Minutes (attachment)
6. Opportunity for Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
7. Board Committee Action
8. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
A. 2016-2017 Public Budget Hearing, presented by Dr. Mark Silverstein (attachment)
B. Recommend Board approval for the adoption of the attached Budget Resolution for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
C. 2015-2016 Governor’s Teachers and Educational Services Professionals of the Year Recipients, presented by Danielle Sochor & Building Principals
9. Board Committee Reports
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
13. Adjournment
DATE: April 27, 2016
TIME: 7:00 P.M.
LOCATION: Glassboro High School Auditorium
Public notice of this meeting or work session has been made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Law of 1975.
Advanced public notice of this meeting was given March 3, 2016 including the time, date and place of the meeting.
Said public notice has been made as follows:
Notice has been posted in the Board of Education Office, Carpenter Street and Bowe Boulevard, Glassboro, N.J.
Notice has been communicated to the following newspapers:
a. South Jersey Times
b. Philadelphia Inquirer
c. Courier Post
Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro
Glassboro Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, N.J.
WHEREAS The matters to be discussed in Part I of this session are matters listed for private discussion under Section 7, b, (1)-(9) of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, and
WHEREAS The general nature of the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda for Part I of this meeting, attached, and
WHEREAS The discussion on these matters will be disclosed to the public, if possible, when the Board convenes or at the next regular meeting of the Glassboro Board of Education on
Date: April 27, 2016
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Location: Glassboro High School (Room B101)
BE IT RESOLVED That the Glassboro Board of Education will discuss the matters listed in the agenda for Part I of this session in private.
1. Operations
A. Building Issues
1. Rodgers School
2. Bullock School
3. Bowe School
4. Intermediate School
5. High School
a. Traffic Light Construction (attachment)
6. Beach Administration Building
7. Technology
B. Awards/Donations
1. Donation-Investor’s Bank
Recommend Board approval for acceptance of a $750.00 donation from Investor’s Bank for the Dorothy L. Bullock Treasure Hunt. (attachment)
2. Donation-First United Methodist Church
Recommend Board approval for acceptance of a $320.00 donation from First United Methodist Church for the Friends of Rachel Club to fund the upcoming Rachel’s Challenge Assembly. (attachment)
3. Donation-Glassboro Fraternal Order of Police
Recommend Board approval for acceptance of a $2,500.00 donation from the Glassboro Fraternal Order of Police for the Friends of Rachel Club to help fund the upcoming Rachel’s Challenge Assembly. (attachment)
4. Donation-Piano
Recommend Board approval for acceptance of a piano for Dorothy L. Bullock School from Mrs. Evangelistic. Arrangements for professional pick-up and delivery of the piano will be made. (attachment)
5. Donation-NovaCare
Recommend Board approval for acceptance of a Heavy Duty Taping Table for the Athletic Training Room from NovaCare in Glassboro. (attachment)
C. Transportation
1. Bus Evacuation Report (attachment)
2. Transportation-Rowan Fossil Park
Recommend Board approval for Rowan University to use two district school busses to transport Rowan students and their families to the Rowan Fossil Park on April 23, 2016. No fee will be charged for this service. (attachment)
D. Budget Recommendations/Grants
1. Recommend Board approval of the following Reports per attachments:
a. Warrant Account Bill List April 2016 (attachment)
b. Capital Projects Bill List April 2016 (attachment)
c. Handwritten Check List March 1-31, 2016 (attachment)
d. Board Secretary’s Report March 2016 (attachment)
e. Revenue Report March 2016 (attachment)
f. Treasurer’s Report March 2016 (attachment)
g. Food Service Profit & Loss March 2016 (attachment)
Board Secretary’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of March 2016. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Treasurer’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of March 2016. The Treasurer’s Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the month of March 2016.
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.
Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2. Transfer Authorization
a. Recommend Board approval of the authorized transfers for March 2016. (attachment)
E. Resolutions/Contracted Services
1. Nutri-Serve PLE Tool, 2016-2017
Recommend Board approval of the attached request from Nutri-Serve for a $.10 increase in the lunch price for the 2016-2017 school year at Thomas E. Bowe School, Dorothy L. Bullock School, and J. Harvey Rodgers School. (attachment)
2. Policies/Regulations
a. Recommend Board approval of the second reading and adoption of the policies and regulations listed below. (attachments)
1) Policy 5330.01 Administration of Medical Marijuana
2) Regulation 5330.01 Administration of Medical Marijuana
3. 2016-2017 Participation in Cooperative Transportation Services Contract
Recommend Board approval of the attached Contract for Participation in Cooperative Transportation Services for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
4. 2016-2017 Nonpublic Textbook Purchasing Contract
Recommend Board approval of the attached Nonpublic Textbook Purchasing Contract with Gloucester County Special Services School District for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
5. Architect’s Invoices
Recommend Board approval for payment to Fraytak Veisz Hopkins Duthie for architectural services pursuant to a contract total of $1,293,900.00 and for invoices totaling $40,438.00. (attachment)
6. PEPPM Technology Bidding/Purchasing Program
Recommend Board approval for the District Technology Department to participate in the PEPPM Technology Bidding and Purchasing Program. This will provide savings on technology purchases. There is no cost to the district. (attachment)
7. Inter-Local Agency/Shared Service Agreement/Consortia Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the Inter-Local Agency/Shared Service Agreement/Consortia Agreement with Educational Information & Resource Center (EIRC) for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
F. Informational – Reports/Articles/Miscellaneous
1. Reports
a. Maintenance Report (attachment)
b. Security Drill Report (attachment)
c. Variance Analysis Report (attachment)
d. Nutri-Serve Food Management Report (attachment)
e. Facility Request Report (attachment)
2. Articles
3. Miscellaneous
a. Online Registration Update (attachment)
b. EIRC Consortia Catalog (attachment)
c. Negotiations Update (attachment)
d. 2016-2017 Benefits Renewal
2. Administration
A. Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescind Action
1. Resignations
a. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Jacqueline Camiolo effective June 15, 2016. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Ryan Henderson effective June 30, 2016. (attachment)
c. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Madjiguene Fall effective June 30, 2016. (attachment)
2. Revocation of Tenure
3. Dismissal/Suspension
4. Leaves of Absence
a. Channon Armstrong has requested Intermittent NJFLA beginning April 4, 2016.
b. Sandra Carty has requested FMLA beginning June 17, 2016 with an anticipated return date of August 8, 2016.
c. Christine Abrams has requested FMLA & NJFLA beginning May 31, 2016 with an anticipated return date of October 31, 2016.
d. Holly Conaway has requested to extend her FMLA through June 30, 2016 with an anticipated return date of September 1, 2016.
e. Alisa McDermott has requested intermittent NJFLA beginning April 1, 2016.
f. Mary Payne has requested a leave of absence beginning March 17, 2016 with an anticipated return date of April 28, 2016.
g. Traci Davis has requested NJFLA beginning April 25, 2016 with an anticipated return date of May 4, 2016.
5. Retirement
a. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of James Jester effective June 30, 2016. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Ronald Ferraro effective July 1, 2016. (attachment)
c. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Lourdes Zych effective July 1, 2016. (attachment)
d. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Kathleen Buchanan effective June 30, 2016. (attachment)
6. Reduction in Force
7. Increment Withholding
B. New Employees/Transfers/Assignments/Contracts
1. New Employees
a. Teachers/Nurses/Secretaries/Aides
1) Science (Chemistry) Teacher-GHS
Recommend Board approval of Cameron Youngblood, pending receipt of certification and a positive criminal history background check, as Science (Chemistry) Teacher at GHS for the 2016-2017 school year effective September 1, 2016, MA+30 Step 1, at an annual salary of $57,142.00 pending settlement of the July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019 GEA Agreement. Mr. Youngblood will be replacing James Moore who is retiring. (attachment)
b. Administration
c. Bus Drivers/Bus Aides
d. Substitute Bus Drivers and Aides
e. Custodians/Housekeeper
f. Substitute Custodians/Grounds
g. Athletics
h. Source4Teachers Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of the April 2016 Source4Teachers Substitute list. (attachment)
i. Other
2. Employee Transfer/Appointments
3. Assignments
a. District Accountant
Recommend Board approval of Noelia Gonzalez as District Accountant in the Central Office effective April 28, 2016 at a prorated salary of $53,000.00. This position will be in addition to her current HR Generalist duties until a replacement is hired.
4. Contracts
5. Miscellaneous
6. Legal
C. Job Descriptions
D. Public Relations
1. Community Affairs Secretary Report – March 2016 (attachment)
E. Miscellaneous
1.2016-2017 Employee Tenure List (attachment)
2. 2016-2017 Contract Non-Renewal / Transfer List (attachment)
3. 2016-2017 Staff Reappointment List (attachment)
4. Pit Orchestra-Spring Musical
Recommend Board ratify payment to the following staff members for services as Pit Orchestra Musicians for the GHS spring musical of Seussical. Payment will be a transfer of funds from the Thespian Society (Drama) activities account. (attachment)
Leonor Thomas - $490.00
Mary Greening - $280.00
5. Senior Class Trip Chaperones
Recommend Board approval of the following Glassboro High School staff members to serve as chaperones on the Senior Class Trip to Disney World from June 5, 2016 to June 9, 2016. (attachment)
Joan Beebe
Maureen Morrison
Daniel Beaver
Robin Boyd
Christina Duffey
Bruce Farquhar
Anne-Sophie Meeks
Jamie Cleary
Richard Wisniewski
6. Substitute Nurse Orientation
Recommend Board ratify a half-day orientation at each district school for Nicole Bruno, Substitute School Nurse, at a prorated rate of $175.00 per day effective April 21, 2016. Orientation will be provided at individual schools by the school nurses. Ms. Bruno was board approved as a Substitute School Nurse on March 23, 2016. (attachment)
7. Truancy Officer
Recommend Board approval of James Sheridan to serve as Truancy Officer for the district up to 5 hours per month, or as-needed, throughout the school year. Upon the request from the building principals, he will visit homes to encourage and notify parents of the importance of going to school on a regular basis. (attachment)
3. Instruction
A. Grants/Assessments/Curriculum/Workshops/Professional Development
1. Grants
a. Inclusive Schools Climate Initiative (ISCI) Grant Survey
Recommend Board approval of the Intermediate School ISCI Grant Voluntary Survey parent letter and survey. Subsequent survey results will provide a climate profile of the school. (attachments-2)
b. Pascale Sykes Foundation Grant
Recommend Board ratify the renewal proposal to apply for the Pascale Sykes Foundation Positive Youth Development Grant in partnership with the Glassboro Education Foundation (lead fiscal agency), Clayton Public School District (lead program agency), Saint Michael, The Archangel Regional School and Gloucester County Special Services School District. (attachment)
2. Title I Staff
3. Assessments
4. Curriculum
a. 2016 Extended School Year
Recommend Board approval of the attached staff members for the 2016 Extended School Year Program from July 5, 2016 through July 28, 2016. Stipends listed are the current Miscellaneous Pay rates. Also requesting Board approval to contract with Gloucester County Special Services School District to provide Physical Therapy Services for students who have this need identified in IEPs, up to 3 hours per week for 4 weeks. The proposed amount is $1,260.00-$1,500.00. Funding is provided through IDEA Grant Funds. (attachment)
5. Professional Development/Workshops
Recommend Board approval of the attached professional development/ workshops. (attachment)
B. Field Experiences/Enrollment
1. Field Experience
a. Stockton-Service Learning
Recommend Board approval of Stockton student, Olivia Romalino, to complete 10 hours of Service Learning with Kathleen Buchanan in Spring 2016 at a time to be determined between them. (attachment)
b. Stockton-90 Hour Practicum
Recommend Board approval of Stockton graduate student, Erika Krokos, to complete a 90 Hour Practicum placement with Nanci Moore from June 2016 to August 2016. Ms. Krokos is enrolled in an LDT/C endorsement program. (attachment)
c. Rowan-Counseling Internship
Recommend Board approval of Rowan student, Caitlyn McHugh, for a counseling internship with Amanda Brice from September 2016 through May 8, 2017 at Dorothy L. Bullock School. Ms. McHugh is required to spend 600 clock hours in a school setting. (attachment)
d. Rowan-Clinical Practice
Recommend Board approval of the attached list of Rowan students for Clinical Practice Placement for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
2. Enrollment/ADA (attachment)
C. Testing
D. Special Education/Other Student Issues
1. OOD Placement-Student ID #16B
Recommend Board ratify placement of Student ID #16B at Mantua Township School District effective February 2, 2016. Cost to the district is $11,625.25. (attachment)
2. OOD Placement-Student ID #16-22
Recommend Board ratify placement of Student ID #16-22 at Winslow School District effective October 26, 2015. Cost to the district is $15,013.00. (attachment)
3. CLCCP-Rowan University
Recommend Board approval for Student ID #11-9133 to utilize the Board approved College Level Course Credit Program at Rowan University during the 2016-2017 school year. This student will be taking Introduction to Object Oriented Programming and Discrete Structures. This is a result of a partnership with Rowan University and Glassboro High School. The student/parent will be responsible for 1/3 of the cost; Glassboro Board of Education 1/3; and Rowan University 1/3. Approximate cost to the district is $710.00. (attachment)
4. OOD Placement-Student ID #5773350886
Recommend Board ratify placement of Student ID #5773350886 at the attached various facilities beginning August 11, 2015. Cost to the district is to be determined. (attachment)
E. Athletics
1. NJSIAA Scholar Athlete
Recommend Board approval of Megan Ritter (student), her parents, and one coach (TBD), to attend the NJSIAA 23rd Annual Scholar/Athlete Awards Program at the Pines Manor, Edison, NJ on May 15, 2016. Cost to the district is $150.00 ($50 per person for luncheon; student’s ticket is paid for by NJSIAA). (attachment)
2. NJSIAA Membership
Recommend Board approval for membership in the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) for the 2016-2017 school year. Cost to the district is $2,150.00 to be funded through the Athletic budget. (attachment)
3. Sports Preseason Practices/Conditioning
Recommend Board approval for the fall sports teams to conduct summer workouts and preseason practices, weight training and conditioning practices beginning June 16, 2016 until the start of the fall season in September 2016. There is no cost to the district. (attachment)
F. Miscellaneous
1. 2016-2017 School Calendar
Recommend Board approval of the school calendar for the 2016-2017 school year. (attachment)
2. Family Literacy/Math Evenings
Recommend Board approval to amend payment for staff members to participate in the evening programs for the 2015-2016 school year from 1 Coordinator to 2 Coordinators. Staff members are paid by NCLB Title I Funds at the contracted hourly rate of $34.00. (attachment)
3. 2016 Summer School Parent Letter/Flyer
Recommend Board approval of the attached 2016 Summer School Parent Letter and Flyer. (attachment)
4. GHS Discipline Code Modification
Recommend Board approval to implement the attached procedure and policy change to Bulldog Block, formerly known as Unit Lunch, as it pertains to the discipline code. (attachment)
5. Bowe Camping Trip Chaperones
Recommend Board approval of the attached list of individuals to serve as chaperones on the 6th Grade Camping Trip to Stillpond, Maryland on May 25, 26 and 27, 2016. The list includes Bowe staff members and High School student counselors. (attachment)
6. Delayed Opening-GIS
Recommend Board approval for a two-hour delayed opening at Intermediate School on Friday, May 27, 2016 for the following reasons. (attachment)
Data review of Student Growth Objectives.
Completion of (RAC) School Improvement Plan SIP. Staff must participate.
EdConnect Department Meetings to secure correct implementation.
Promotion Ceremony Coordination.
G. Informational
1. HIB Report (attachment)
2. Suspensions (attachment)
3. Board Reports
a. Rodgers (attachment)
b. Bullock (attachment)
c. Bowe (attachment)
d. GIS (attachment)
e. GHS/GHS Guidance/Athletics (attachment)
f. Bullock Guidance (attachment)
g. Bowe Guidance (attachment)
h. GIS Guidance (attachment)
i. CST (attachment)
4. Chief Academic Officer Report (attachment)
5. Article – “5 Ways PARCC Testing Will be Different This Year” (attachment)
6. Examination of Policy/Regulation 5410–Promotion and Retention (attachment)
7. Report on PDS Success (attachment)
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