August 24, 2022 Agenda
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Submitted by mmacmichael on Mon, 07/25/2022 - 9:13am
Wednesday, August 24, 2022 - 7:00pm
1. Statement of Public Notice of Meeting in Accordance with New Jersey Public Meeting Act
2. Motion for Executive Session
3. Reconvene
4. Flag Salute
5. Approval of Minutes
A. July 20, 2022 Executive Minutes (attachment)
B. July 20, 2022 Public Minutes (attachment)
6. Opportunity for Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
7. President’s Report
8. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
9. Board Committee Reports & Action Items
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board of Education
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
13. Adjournment
DATE: August 24, 2022
TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Glassboro High School Auditorium
Public notice of this meeting or work session has been made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Law of 1975.
Advanced public notice of this meeting was given December 21, 2021 including the time, date and place of the meeting.
Said public notice has been made as follows:
Notice has been posted in the Board of Education Office, Carpenter Street and Bowe Boulevard, Glassboro, NJ
Notice has been communicated to the following newspapers:
a. South Jersey Times
b. Courier Post
Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro
Glassboro Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, NJ
WHEREAS The matters to be discussed in Part I of this session are matters listed for private discussion under Section 7, b, (1)-(9) of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, and
WHEREAS The general nature of the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda for Part I of this meeting, attached, and
WHEREAS The discussion on these matters will be disclosed to the public, if possible, when the Board convenes or at the next regular meeting of the Glassboro Board of Education on
Date: August 24, 2022
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Glassboro High School Media Center
BE IT RESOLVED That the Glassboro Board of Education will discuss the matters listed in the agenda for Part I of this session in private.
1. Instruction
A. Grants/Assessments/Curriculum/Workshops/Professional Development
1. Grants
2. Title I Staff
3. Assessments
4. Curriculum
a. Curriculum Development
1) Recommend Board approval for Aileen Matias-Castro to write curriculum and update policies at the current miscellaneous pay rate of $40.00 per hour. This will be paid through Title II funds. (attachment)
Gifted & Talented
2) Recommend Board ratify compensation to Suzanne Rutter for writing curriculum for the new Social Studies courses at J. Harvey Rodgers School, 5 hours at the hourly rate of $40.00 effective July 1, 2022 until August 31, 2022. Ms. Rutter is replacing Rachel Morrison due to resignation. Funding is through Title II. (attachment)
5. Professional Development/Workshops
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached professional development/ workshops. (attachment)
b. AVID Training Reimbursement
Recommend Board ratify reimbursement expenses to Michele Memis for attending AVID training in Baltimore, MD on July 26-27, 2022. Costs are covered up to state and federal travel guidelines by Title II funds. (attachment)
Taxes & Fees
$ 62.00
$ 68.00
$ 89.58
B. Field Experiences/Enrollment
1. Field Experience
a. Stockton University-Fieldwork/Clinical Practice Placement
Recommend Board approval of Stockton University student, Kaitlyn Piontkowski for Fieldwork/Clinical Practice Placement. (attachment)
Fieldwork Placement-September 6, 2022 to December 16, 2022-100 Hrs
Staff Member
Heather Stewart
Clinical Practice Placement-January 3, 2023 to May 5, 2023
Staff Member
Heather Stewart
b. Rowan University-Clinical Practice Placement
1) Recommend Board approval of the following Rowan University students for Clinical Practice Placement. (attachment)
September 6, 2022 to December 14, 2022
January 17, 2023 to May 5, 2023
Staff Member
Martina Forbs
David Brown
2) Recommend Board approval to amend the following Rowan University students for Clinical Practice. (attachment)
September 6, 2022 to December 14, 2022
January 17, 2023 to May 5, 2023
Staff Member
Anthony Lane
Bradley Fithian
Bowe MS
Staff Member
Nicholas Rothwein
Bradley Fithian
Bowe MS
September 6, 2022 to December 14, 2022
January 2, 2023 to May 5, 2023
Staff Member
Isabella Mevoli
Michelle Rullo
Staff Member
Isabella Mevoli
Michelle Rullo
Lauren Moffitt
2. Enrollment/ADA (none at this time)
C. Testing
1. Testing-Technology Support
Recommend Board approval for the following staff members to receive a building stipend for testing technology support for the 2022-2023 school year. State testing now includes Start Strong, NJGPA, and NJSLA. Funding is through district funds. (attachment)
Staff Member
Fall 2022
Spring 2023
Janice Rynkiewicz
Robin Boyd
Brittinee Garcia
Bowe MS
Michael Sharkey
Katie Evans
D. Special Education/Other Student Issues
1. Staff Children Attending District Schools
Recommend Board approval of the following children of staff members to attend the below listed schools for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
Staff Member
Vanessa Poggioli
Louis Newman
Wayne Rulon
Solara Rulon
Hannah Rulon
Bowe MS
Erin Perewiznyk
Emily Perewiznyk
Gregory Maccarone
Francesca Maccarone
2. Reading Support
Recommend Board ratify compensation to Dana Maiorini to provide one hour per week of reading support at the rate of $40.00 per hour, not to exceed $2,100.00, effective June 8, 2022. Funding is through ESSER. (attachment)
3. 2022-2023 Out-of-District Placements
Recommend Board ratify the attached list of Special Education students to continue out-of-district placement for the 2022-2023 school year. Listed students were previously placed out-of-district for the 2021-2022 school year. These are included in the 2022-2023 budget. (attachment)
4. Professional Medical Staffing, LLC
Recommend Board ratify Professional Medical Staffing, LLC to provide substitute school nurses on an as-needed basis effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 at the rate of $53.00 per hour for RN and $45.00 per hour for LPN. (attachment)
5. Star Pediatric Home Care Agency
Recommend Board ratify Star Pediatric Home Care Agency to provide one-to-one student nursing care on an as-needed basis for transportation to and from school and during the school day for the 2022-2023 school year effective July 1, 2022. Cost to the district is approximately $60.00 per hour for 8 hours per day. (attachment)
6. Aveanna Health Care
Recommend Board ratify Aveanna Health Care to provide one-to-one student nursing care on an as-needed basis for transportation to and from school and during the school day for the 2022-2023 school year effective July 1, 2022. Cost to the district is approximately $70.00 per hour for 8 hours per day. (attachment)
7. Bayada Nursing Services
Recommend Board ratify Bayada Nursing Services to provide one-to-one student nursing care on an as-needed basis for transportation to and from school and during the school day for the 2022-2023 school year effective July 1, 2022. Cost to the district is approximately $60.00 per hour for RN and $48.00 per hour for LPN. (attachment)
8. OOD Placement-Student ID #21-B
Recommend Board ratify placement of Student ID #21-B at Gloucester Twp. School District for the 2021-2022 school year effective September 8, 2021 through December 23, 2021. Placement was based on McKinney-Vento status. Cost to the district is $13,631.00. (attachment)
9. Behavior Interventions
Recommend Board approval for Behavior Interventions to provided limited services in school daily with supervision periodically for a J. Harvey Rodgers School student during the 2022-2023 school year. This student will receive daily support along with supervision review. Behavior Interventions has provided background clearances for all staff. This is a parent requested service. There is no cost to the district. (attachment)
10. Girl Scout Gold Star Award Proposal
Recommend Board ratify Alyssa Riley, GHS Senior student, to complete her Girls Scout Gold Award, which is the highest award a Senior or Ambassador Girls Scout can earn by developing and carrying out an initiative with a sustainable solution, during the months of August, September and October 2022. Alyssa has been helping to support an outdoor center area for the Preschool Program at J. Harvey Rodgers School in the center courtyard. The outdoor area will include the following centers: Discovery Center; Toys and Games; Library Center; Dramatic Play; Art Center; Music Center; Block Center; Sand and Water Center. All materials for the outdoor area have been purchased through the Preschool Expansion Aid. Alyssa will be fundraising and donating an electric mower to be used by the maintenance and grounds staff in the district and soliciting donations through an Amazon Wish List for books that have topics on gardens, trees, insects, animals, etc. (attachment)
E. Athletics
1. 2022-2023 Fall Athletic Schedules
Recommend Board approval of the attached 2022-2023 Fall Athletic Schedules. (attachment)
2. TCC Proposed Ticket Prices
Recommend Board approval of the proposed ticket prices for TCC and West Jersey Football League athletic events. There is no change in ticket price amounts from 2021-2022. (attachment)
TCC ticket prices are:
$3.00 - Adults
$2.00 - Students with identification and Senior Citizens/Military Personnel
*the admission price for Senior Citizens and Military Personnel is at the discretion of the home team; By-Laws B2.3.6, pg. 18). Senior Citizens and Military Personnel will not be charged admission at Glassboro home games.
West Jersey Football League
$4.00 - Adults
$2.00 - Students with identification and Senior Citizens/Military Personnel
*the admission price for Senior Citizens and Military Personnel is at the discretion of the home team; By-Laws B2.3.6, pg. 18). Senior Citizens and Military Personnel will not be charged admission at Glassboro home games.
F. Miscellaneous
1. 2022-2023 New Teacher Academy
Recommend Board approval for compensation for up to ten novice teachers, 10 hours per teacher, at the rate of $40.00 per hour, to participate in the New Teacher Academy facilitated by Dr. Preston and the C&I Team for the 2022-2023 school year. This academy will provide quality professional development experiences that will enhance professional growth. A book, The Knowledge Gap, by Natalie Wexler will be purchased for each teacher. Funding is provided through Title II funds. (attachment)
2. Family Literacy/Math/Curriculum Nights
Recommend Board approval for payment to staff members for participating in Title I Family Literacy/Math/Curriculum Engagement Nights for the 2022-2023 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. Cost to the district is $7,923.00 (including FICA costs). Funding is through Title I funds. (attachment)
a. Rodgers
7 teachers for 2 sessions / 6 teachers and 1 coordinator (44 hrs total)
b. Bullock
12 teachers for 2 sessions / 10 teachers and 2 coordinators (76 hrs total)
c. Bowe Middle School
5 teachers for 2 sessions / 4 teachers and 1 coordinator (32 hrs total)
d. GHS
5 teachers for 2 sessions / 4 teachers and 1 coordinator (32 hrs total)
3. BPAC Parent Advisory Committee-Parent Involvement
Recommend Board approval for payment to staff members to participate in the ESL evening programs for the 2022-2023 school year at the rate of $40.00 per hour. Cost to the district is $1,550.16 (including FICA costs). Funding is provided through Title III funds.
District-Family Night Program for four (4) staff members up to nine (9) hours each. (attachment)
4. 2022-2023 District Mentoring Plan
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 District Mentoring Plan. This plan ensures that all new teachers are mentored by veteran staff. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-8(d) and N.J.A.C. 6A:9B-8(h), mentor teachers are required to log their mentoring contact time and the school district must be responsible for overseeing the payment of mentors, respectfully. The plan has been updated to reflect these recent changes. (attachment)
a. 2022-2023 District Mentoring Plan (attachment)
5. 2022-2023 Student Codes of Conduct
Recommend Board approval of the attached Student Codes of Conduct for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
a. J. Harvey Rodgers School (attachment)
b. Dorothy L. Bullock School (Grades 1-2) (attachment)
c. Dorothy L. Bullock School (Grades 3-5) (attachment)
d. Thomas E. Bowe Middle School (attachment)
e. Glassboro High School (attachment)
6. 2022-2023 District Professional Development Plan/Corrective Action Plan
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 District Professional Development Plan and Corrective Action Plan. (attachment)
a. 2022-2023 District Professional Development Plan (attachment)
b. Corrective Action Plan (attachment)
G. Informational
1. HIB Report (none at this time)
2. Suspensions (none at this time)
3. Board Reports
a. Rodgers (attachment)
b. Bullock (attachment)
c. Bowe MS (attachment)
d. GHS/GHS Guidance/Athletics (attachment)
e. AEHS (none at this time)
f. Rodgers Guidance (none at this time)
g. Bullock Guidance (none at this time)
h. Bowe MS Guidance (none at this time)
i. CST (attachment)
4. Chief Academic Officer Report (attachment)
5. G&T Presentation, Aileen Matias-Castro (attachment)
6. Limited CE/CEAS Application (attachment)
7. NJDOE Targeted Review: Child Find Indicator 11 (attachment)
8. WSJ Article-Nationwide Teacher Shortage (attachment)
9. Opening Day Schedule (attachment)
2. Operations
A. Building Issues
1. Rodgers School
2. Bullock School
3. Bowe Middle School
4. High School
5. Beach Administration Building
6. Technology
B. Awards/Donations
C. Transportation
D. Budget Recommendations/Grants
1. Recommend Board approval of the following Reports per attachments:
a. Warrant Account Bill List August 2022 (attachment)
b. Handwritten Check List July 1-31, 2022 (attachment)
c. Board Secretary’s Report July 2022 (attachment)
d. Revenue Report July 2022 (attachment)
e. Treasurer’s Report July 2022 (attachment)
f. Food Service Profit & Loss July 2022 (attachment)
g. Food Service Dashboard July 2022 (none at this time)
Board Secretary’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of July 2022. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Treasurer’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of July 2022. The Treasurer’s Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the month of July 2022.
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.
Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2. Transfer Authorization
a. Recommend Board approval of the authorized transfers for July 2022. (attachment)
E. Resolutions/Contracted Services
1. Barracuda Backup Solution
Recommend Board approval to replace the Barracuda backup server with a newer, secure, and modem hardware model. Up front cost will be $29,629.80 with an annual renewal of $21,888.00. This renewal amount is the same as the current renewal amount. Start date will be August 31, 2022. This is not a lease. (attachment)
2. Policies/Regulations
Recommend Board approval for the first reading of the following policies/ regulations. (attachment)
Policy 2415.04
Title I-District-Wide Parent & Family Engagement
Policy 2415.50a
J. Harvey Rodgers School Title I-School Parent & Family Engagement
Policy 2415-50b
Dorothy L. Bullock Elementary School Title I-School Parent & Family Engagement
Policy 2415-50c
Thomas E. Bowe Middle School Title I-School Parent & Family Engagement
Policy 2415-50d
Glassboro High School Title I-School Parent & Family
Engagement |
3. Lead Testing Correction Action Plan
Recommend Board approval of the attached Lead Testing Corrective Action Plan as stated. (attachment)
a. GPS Lead in Drinking Water Action Plan (attachment)
4. Reunification Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the Reunification Agreement between Glassboro School District and Total Turf Experience LLC. (attachment)
5. Tier I Live Streaming Online Instruction Services-Bowe
Recommend Board approval for the purchase of Tier I Live Streaming Online Instruction Services at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for classroom instruction in Spanish. Pursuant to 18A:18A-5 (5), the services are exceptions to requirement for advertising, any contract, the amount of which exceeds the bid threshold, shall be negotiated and awarded by the BOE by resolution without public advertising for bids and bidding. (attachment)
Funds are budgeted in local budget
Vendor: Elevate K-12
Amount Not to Exceed: $49,700.00
6. ESS Rate Increase-Building Based Substitutes
Recommend Board approval for an increase in the building based substitute rate for the 2022-2023 school year. The rate is presently $110.00 per day; the increase will be $15.00 per day for a total of $125.00 per day. Funds are budgeted in the general budget. (attachment)
7. Change Order #1-Bowe MS Renovation Project #702
Recommend Board approval of the Bowe MS Renovation Project #702 Change Order #1 in the amount of $25,149.00. The change order is for the addition of signage scope to the project for building letter sign, light fixture, and new dedication plaque. (attachment)
Project #702
Original Contract Amount
Change Order (Add)
$ 25,149.00
Revised Contract Amount
8. Use of Capital Reserve-Bowe MS Renovation Project #702
Recommend Board approval for the use of $25,149.00 to fund Change Order #1 for the Bowe MS Renovation Project #702. (attachment)
Project #702 – Thomas E. Bowe Middle School Reconfiguration and Renovation Change Order #1 / $25,149.00
9. Cafeteria Plan Adjustment
Recommend Board approval of the Cafeteria Plan adjustment for the following additions to the district’s tax sheltered annuity choices. This addition will allow all tax sheltered annuity vendors to offer post-tax investment vehicles for the district’s staff members. (attachment)
Roth 403(b) Employee Elective Deferral
Roth 457 Employee Elective Deferral
10. Multi-Zone Replacement-Bowe MS-Bid Award
Recommend Board approval to award the Multi-Zone Replacement at Thomas E. Bowe Middle School bid to All Coast Service, Inc. Funds have been budgeted in the 2022-2023 school year using Capital Reserve Funds. (attachment)
Vendor: All Coast Service, Inc.
Amount Not to Exceed: $2,268,634.00
a. Bid Proposal Form (attachment)
11. Nutanix Refresh & Backup Virtual Server Farm
Recommend Board approval to purchase the Nutanix Refresh and Backup Virtual Server Farm from PBG Networks in the amount of $223,568.11. The purchase will be financed through leasing. The leasing company is American Capital Financial Services; terms are for a five (5) year period, at 5.9% rate. The cost of the lease is determined to be $26,671.89, reflecting a total cost to the district of $250,240.00. The payment schedule will be $50,048 per year, total cost is $250,240.00. At the end of the term the district will own the equipment and product(s). This is a replacement, with the last term purchased in 2017. This term runs from August 31, 2022 through August 31, 2027. (attachment)
Vendor: PBG Networks through American Capital Financial Services
Amount Not to Exceed: $50,048.00 per year / $250,240.00 for the five year period, in total.
Funding: General Budget
a. Nutanix Refresh & Backup Statement of Work (attachment)
F. Informational – Reports/Articles/Miscellaneous
1. Reports
a. Maintenance Report (attachment)
b. Security Drill Report (attachment)
c. Facility Request Report (none at this time)
d. IT Report (attachment)
2. Articles
3. Miscellaneous
a. 2021-2022 ESS Report (attachment)
b. Bowe MS Renovation Project Progress (attachment)
c. GPSD Panic Button Tests 08-16-22 (attachment)
d. Bond Referendum & Bonding Capacity (attachment)
1) Master Project List 01-13-20 (attachment)
2) Master Project List 02-18-20 (attachment)
3) Bond Referendum Wish List-Building Administrators (attachment)
4) Bond Referendum Wish List-Business Office (attachment)
5) Facilities Combined Listing (attachment)
6) Bonding Capacity As of 06-30-21 (attachment)
7) Debt Service Data (attachment)
e. 2022-2023 GHS/Bowe Parent Newsletter (attachment)
f. Architect’s Drawing-Bowe Middle School Sign (attachment)
g. Transportation Update (attachment)
h. Nutanix Lease Application (attachment)
3. Administration
A. Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescind Action
1. Resignations
a. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Kelley Wheat effective August 24, 2022. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Patricia Conn effective September 30, 2022. (attachment)
c. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Janae Dockins effective September 30, 2022. (attachment)
d. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Kristi Popecki effective August 31, 2022. (attachment)
e. Recommend Board ratify the resignation of Jessica Mellott effective August 11, 2022. (attachment)
f. Recommend Board ratify the resignation date of Kathleen McCarron from September 9, 2022 to August 18, 2022. (attachment)
2. Revocation of Tenure
3. Dismissal/Suspension/Rescind Action
a. Rescind Action
Recommend Board approval to rescind the offer of employment to Alyssa Fooks as an Associate Aide at CST/Thomas E. Bowe Middle School for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
4. Leaves of Absence
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached August 2022 Leave of Absence list. (attachment)
5. Retirement
6. Reduction in Force
7. Increment Withholding
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached resolution to withhold the 2022-2023 employment and adjustment increment for Employee #4909. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval of the attached resolution to withhold the 2022-2023 employment and adjustment increment for Employee #5795. (attachment)
B. New Employees/Transfers/Assignments/Contracts
1. New Employees
Based on the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following personnel recommendations are submitted as follows.
a. Teachers/Nurses/Secretaries/Aides
1) 1:1 Aide, GHS
Recommend Board approval of Angela Esposito, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as an Associate Aide at CST/GHS in the position of 1:1 Aide for the 2022-2023 school year, 5.75 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step 1, at a rate of $15.99 per hour. Start date to be determined. Ms. Esposito is replacing Kymberly Viden due to resignation. (attachment)
2) Master Teacher/Preschool Intervention & Referral Team Coach-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Brad Unick, pending certification clearance from the NJ Department of Education and a positive criminal history background check, as Master Teacher/Preschool Intervention & Referral Team Coach at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2022-2023 school year, MA Step 11, at an annual salary of $69,772.00, effective August 31, 2022. Mr. Unick is replacing Kathleen McCarron due to resignation. (attachment)
3) Security Aide-GHS
Recommend Board approval of Tabitha Rouse, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as a Security Aide at GHS for the 2022-2023 school year, 5 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step 1, at a rate of $13.10 per hour. Start date to be determined. Ms. Rouse is replacing Barry Rappaport due to resignation. (attachment)
4) Preschool Teacher-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Rachel Nawoyski, pending certification clearance from the NJ Department of Education and a positive criminal history background check, as Preschool Teacher at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2022-2023 school year, BA Step 1, at an annual salary of $53,072.00, effective August 31, 2022. Ms. Nawoyski is replacing Barbara Fortini due to retirement. (attachment)
5) Operations-Grounds
a) Recommend Board approval of Jaden Charlton, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, for a Grounds position for the 2022-2023 school year, Step 1, at a prorated annual salary of $29,447.00. Start date to be determined. Mr. Charlton is replacing Zachery Chandler due to resignation. (attachment)
b) Recommend Board approval of Scott Ryan, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, for a Grounds position for the 2022-2023 school year, Step 1, at a prorated annual salary of $29,447.00. Start date to be determined. Mr. Ryan is replacing Steven Garland due to resignation. (attachment)
6) Grade 2 Teacher-Bullock
Recommend Board approval of Jazmyn Salazar, pending certification clearance from the NJ Department of Education and a positive criminal history background check, as Grade 2 Teacher at Dorothy L. Bullock School for the 2022-2023 school year, BA Step 1, at an annual salary of $53,072.00, effective August 31, 2022. Ms. Salazar is replacing Allison Struble due to resignation. (attachment)
7. World Language Teacher-Bullock
Recommend Board approval of Taylor Carite, pending certification clearance from the NJ Department of Education and a positive criminal history background check, as World Language Teacher at Dorothy L. Bullock School for the 2022-2023 school year, BA Step 1, at an annual salary of $53,072.00. Start date to be determined. Ms. Carite is replacing Aileen Matias-Castro due to position change. (attachment)
8. Special Ed Aide-Bowe
Recommend Board approval of Amy McLaughlin, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as an Associate Aide at CST/Bowe MS in the position of Special Ed Aide for the 2022-2023 school year, 5.75 hours per day, 5 days per week, Step 1, at a rate of $15.99 per hour. Start date to be determined. This is a new position. (attachment)
9. Guidance Counselor-GHS
Recommend Board approval for the reappointment of Melissa Ullom as Guidance Counselor at GHS, MA Step 3, at an annual salary of $59,672.00 and MA Guidance in the amount of $2,984.00 for the 2022-2023 school year effective August 31, 2022. Ms. Ullom has served as Student Assistance Coordinator at GHS since 2020. She is replacing Janae Dockins due to resignation. (attachment)
d. Substitute Bus Drivers and Aides
e. Custodians/Housekeeper
f. Substitute Custodians/Grounds
g. Athletics
h. ESS (formerly Source4Teachers) Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of the August 2022 ESS Substitute list. (attachment)
i. Other
2. Employee Transfer/Appointments
a. Transfers-Operations
Recommend Board ratify the following Operations Housekeeping staff transfers for the 2022-2023 school year effective August 1, 2022.
Staff Member
Toni Walker
Henrik Olsen
Bowe MS
b. Transfers and/or Position Changes-CST
Recommend Board approval of the following CST transfers and/or position changes for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachments)
1) Diana Gattinelli from Thomas E. Bowe Middle School as 1:1 Aide to J. Harvey Rodgers School as ABA Aide at an amended hourly salary of $16.20 per hour plus $250.00 per month stipend. Ms. Gattinelli is replacing Megan Tyler due to assignment change.
2) Teresa DeLaurentis from Thomas E. Bowe Middle School as Special Education Aide to Dorothy L. Bullock School as ABA Aide at an amended hourly salary of $15.90 per hour plus $250.00 per month stipend. This is a new position
3) Debbie Fanfarillo as Special Education Aide at J. Harvey Rodgers School to ABA Aide at an amended hourly salary of $21.77 plus $250.00 per month stipend. This is a new position.
4) Catherine Plourde as 1:1 Aide at Dorothy L. Bullock to ABA Aide at an amended hourly salary of $16.00 per hour plus $250.00 per month stipend. This is a new position.
5. Stacey McWilliams, Special Education Aide, from Thomas E. Bowe School to Dorothy L. Bullock School.
6. Yvette Council-Clark from Dorothy L. Bullock School to Thomas E. Bowe Middle School. The original transfer to Bullock during a mass transfer of staff was incorrect. Ms. Clark is to remain at Bowe MS to serve as case manager and LDT/C for the secondary team.
3. Assignments
4. Contracts
5. Miscellaneous
6. Legal
C. Job Descriptions
D. Public Relations
1. Community Affairs Secretary Report – July 2022 (attachment)
E. Miscellaneous
1. Head Teacher-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Christine Williams as Head Teacher at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2022-2023 school year at a stipend amount of $1,450.24. (attachment)
2. Resignation-Summer Employment-Student Worker
Recommend Board ratify the resignation of student worker in Operations, Leigha Bodie, effective August 1, 2022. (attachment)
3. Change of Degree and/or Salary Status
Recommend Board approval for a change of degree and/or salary status for the below staff members effective August 31, 2022. (attachment)
Staff Member
Vanessa Poggioli *
Samantha Shoemaker
Matthew Schwarz
Heather Stewart
Sarah Pagan
Scott Rogers
Stephen Belh
Timothy Hagerty
Diane Villone
Megan Millard
Nicholas Tarasevich *
* Pending receipt of official transcripts
4. 2022-2023 Perkins Grant Coordinator
Recommend Board approval of Nancy Brown as Perkins Grant Coordinator for the 2022-2023 school year at the stipend amount of $500.00. This stipend amount is funded through the Perkins Secondary Grant. (attachment)
5. 2022-2023 Alternative Evening High School
Recommend Board approval of the attached Alternative Evening High School staff for the 2022-2023 school year at the current Miscellaneous Pay Rates in addition to 25 APEX Computer Program site licenses at $150.00 per license. AEHS hours have been adjusted to 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm. These hours will work for transportation with the high school’s new hours. (attachment)
6. 2022-2023 Fall Athletic Coaches
a. Girls Tennis Coach-Rescind Action
Recommend Board approval to rescind the offer of co-curricular appointment of Gregory Maccarone as Varsity Head Coach for Girls Tennis for the 2022-2023 school year. (attachment)
b. Recommend Board approval of the following 2022-2023 Fall athletic coaching positions. (attachment)
Field Hockey
HS Assistant Coach
MS Head Coach
Jennifer Sykes
Patricia Nehrbauer
Paid by Pitman
Girls Tennis
Varsity Head Coach
Candy Valenti
Cross Country
HS Head Coach
MS Head Coach
Thomas Cooke
Lisa Montana
Weight Room
Stephen Belh
7. 2022-2023 Medical Standing Orders
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 Medical Standing Orders for the period September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023. (attachment)
8. Opening Day Training-Instructional Assistants
Recommend Board approval of compensation for the attached list of Instructional Aides to attend the district opening day, August 31, 2022, at per diem rate. Aides will receive training in Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis to support their work in the classroom. Funding is through Title II funds. (attachment)
9. Superintendent Authorization
Recommend Board approval to extend authorization to the Superintendent to offer contracts to staff as needed in consultation with the Board President during September 2022 before the regularly scheduled Board Meetings.
10. 2022-2023 CSA Evaluation Standards
Recommend Board approval of the 2022-2023 CSA Evaluation Standards. (attachment)
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