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Submitted by mmacmichael on Wed, 12/19/2018 - 11:12am
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 7:00pm
1. Statement of Public Notice of Meeting in Accordance with New Jersey Public Meeting Act
2. Motion for Executive Session
3. Reconvene
4. Flag Salute
5. Approval of Minutes
December 12, 2018 Executive Minutes (attachment)
December 12, 2018 Public Minutes (attachment)
January 3, 2019 Annual Reorganization Executive Minutes (attachment)
January 3, 2019 Annual Reorganization Public Minutes (attachment)
6. Opportunity for Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
7. President’s Report
a. President’s Report-January 2019 (attachment)
8. Report of the Superintendent of Schools
a. Recognition of Thomas E. Bowe School Bulldogs of Character, Craig Stephenson
9. Board Committee Reports & Action Items
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board of Education
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
13. Adjournment
DATE: January 23, 2019
TIME: 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Glassboro High School Auditorium
Public notice of this meeting or work session has been made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Law of 1975.
Advanced public notice of this meeting was given January 8, 2018 including the time, date and place of the meeting.
Said public notice has been made as follows:
Notice has been posted in the Board of Education Office, Carpenter Street and Bowe Boulevard, Glassboro, NJ
Notice has been communicated to the following newspapers:
a. South Jersey Times
b. Philadelphia Inquirer
c. Courier Post
Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro
Glassboro Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, NJ
WHEREAS The matters to be discussed in Part I of this session are matters listed for private discussion under Section 7, b, (1)-(9) of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, and
WHEREAS The general nature of the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda for Part I of this meeting, attached, and
WHEREAS The discussion on these matters will be disclosed to the public, if possible, when the Board convenes or at the next regular meeting of the Glassboro Board of Education on
Date: January 23, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Glassboro High School – Room B101
BE IT RESOLVED That the Glassboro Board of Education will discuss the matters listed in the agenda for Part I of this session in private.
1. Instruction
- Grants/Assessments/Curriculum/Workshops/Professional Development
1. Grants
a. Italian American Cultural Education Grant
Recommend Board approval for submission and acceptance of a written grant proposal by Caterina Dawson to IACE (Italian American Cultural Education) Foundation for the funding of 60 Italian textbooks and one teacher manual. These books would be provided to the district at no cost and will be used as a resource for students studying Italian. (attachment)
b. Amazon Future Engineer Program Grant
Recommend Board approval to accept a competitive grant from Amazon and Edhesive to facilitate the instruction for an Intro to Computer Science course. This course will fulfill the new state requirement for teaching computer science at the high school level. Ms. Keating applied for this grant via the STEM Academy and it was awarded. The grant consists of Computer Science Curriculum and training for Barbara Jones. (attachment)
c. GEF Grants
Recommend Board approval for the submission of the following Glassboro Education Foundation Grants for the 2018-2019 school year. (attachment)
1) “The Zen Den”, Dorothy L. Bullock School. Richard Taibi, $2,000.00
2) “LEER-Using Sustained Silent Reading to Engage Students in Spanish Class”, Glassboro High School, Rachael Melecio, $1,465.00.
2. Title I Staff
3. Assessments
4. Curriculum
a. GHS-Introduction to Business/Economics Course Proposal (attachment)
5. Professional Development/Workshops
a. Recommend Board approval of the attached professional development/ workshops. (attachment)
b. NAPDS Conference
Recommend Board approval for Lisa Rencher and Andrea LoCastro to attend the NAPDS Conference in Atlanta, Georgia from February 14-15, 2019 to include the following. Ms. Rencher and Ms. LoCastro will be presenting a professional development workshop – “Using PDS to Increase the Number of Students with Disabilities.” (attachment)
Registration: $445.00 each – Title II Account for workshop registration
Hotel: $179.00 (plus additional tax and fees) both for 1 night - District
Travel: $339.40 each (flight and fees) – District
c. Creating Trauma Sensitive School Conference
Recommend Board approval for Michelle Rullo and Katie Evans to attend the Creating Trauma Sensitive School Conference in Washington, DC from February 17-19, 2019 to include the following. Ms. Rullo and Ms. Evans will be moderators at the conference. (attachment)
Registration cost is deferred since they will be moderators at the conference.
Hotel: $175.00 (plus additional tax and fees) a night for both for 2 nights - District
Parking: $40.00 (plus additional tax) per day for 2 days - District
B. Field Experiences/Enrollment
1. Field Experience
a. Rowan-Shadowing
Recommend Board approval of Rowan student, Rachel Simonetti, for a field experience shadowing with David Davenport at Glassboro Intermediate School from January 24, 2019 to May 31, 2019. Ms. Simonetti is required to observe for 70 hours. (attachment)
b. Rowan-Internship
Recommend Board approval of Rowan International Studies student, Ross Baron, for a student internship with Caterina Dawson at Glassboro High School from January 25, 2019 to May 3, 2019. The student is required to fulfill 10 hours per week. (attachment)
c. Rowan-Field Experience
Recommend Board approval for the following Rowan students to do Field Experience at Glassboro High School. (attachment)
March 29, 2019; April 5, 2019; April 12, 2019; April 26, 2019 and/or May 3, 2019.
Staff Member
Carly Christopher
Michele Memis
Chase Harris
Michele Memis
Rebecca Kwiecien
Michele Memis
Evan Scott
Amy Stewart
d. Felician University-Clinical Practice
Recommend Board approval of Felician University student, Kelly Murphy, for clinical practice placement with Mark Bridges at Glassboro Intermediate School from January 24, 2019 to May 10, 2019. (attachment)
e. Rowan-Clinical Practice
Recommend Board approval to amend the following Rowan student for Clinical Practice Placement from January 24, 2019 to May 10, 2019 as follows. (attachment)
Staff Member
Joseph Ivins
Christopher Wood
Staff Member
Joseph Ivins
Lynn Hartman
f. Rowan-Learning Assistant
Recommend Board approval of Rowan student, Kyril Kavetsky, as a Learning Assistant in Reiner Dichman-Schmidt’s Physics classroom at the High School for three hours per week from January 24, 2019 to May 3, 2019 at a time to be decided between them. (attachment)
g. Rowan-Practicum in Instruction & Assessment
Recommend Board approval to amend the following Rowan students for Practicum in Instruction & Assessment in the Inclusive Education as follows. (attachment)
Erin Beach
Sarah Rondeau / Sonya Harris
Kevin Dippold
Sarah Rondeau / Sonya Harris
Erin Beach
Jacqueline Applegate/Desarea Simberg
Kevin Dippold
Jacqueline Applegate/Desarea Simberg
h. Eastern University-Practicum in School Counseling
Recommend Board approval of Eastern University student, Brittany Hill, for Practicum in School Counseling with Amanda Brice at Dorothy L. Bullock School from January 24, 2019 to June 10, 2019. The student is required to spend 100 clock hours in an educational setting. (attachment)
2. Enrollment/ADA (attachment)
C. Testing
D. Special Education/Other Student Issues
1. OOD Placement-Student ID #19-G
Recommend Board ratify placement of Student ID #19-G at Delsea Regional School District effective September 6, 2018. This placement is based on McKinney-Vento status. Cost to the district is $18,846.00. (attachment)
2. Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analyst
Recommend Board approval of Andrea Foglietta as a BCaBA (Board Certified Assistant Behavioral Analyst) to service district MD students at J. Harvey Rodgers School and Dorothy L. Bullock School for the 2018-2019 school year from February 2019 to June 2019 at the stipend amount of $5,000.00. This will allow her to service district programs as a consultant providing applied behavior analysis therapy and supervise behavior analysis. Funding is provided through district funds and has been budgeted for the 2018-2019 school year. (attachment)
3. Homeschooling
Recommend Board approval of the attached request for homeschooling for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year. (attachment)
E. Athletics
F. Miscellaneous
1. Extended School Day Tutoring Program-Bowe
Recommend Board ratify payment to the following staff members for the Extended School Day/Tutoring Program at Thomas E. Bowe School, 2 days per week, 1 hour per day. Please be advised, students were selected using a variety of measures including PARCC data, classroom performance, teacher input, I&RS recommendations, and parent requests were also accepted. Funding is provided through ESEA-ESSA funds at the hourly rate of $37.00. (attachment)
Effective November 14, 2018 to June 14, 2019
Vanessa Poggioli
Susan Avis
Anthony Corma
Jennifer DiLorenzo
Shannon Killelea
Kaitlyn Bross
Substitutes: Effective December 1, 2018 to June 14, 2019
Lacy Lupi
Dana Maiorini
Charles “Jason” Clark
Janice Roper
2. Extended School Day Program-GIS
Recommend Board ratify Danielle Fiscella to participate in the Extended School Day Program at Intermediate School from December 2018 to May 2019 as a Substitute, 1.5 hours per day as needed at the hourly rate of $37.00. Funding is provided through ESSA funds. (attachment)
3. Extended School Day/Tutoring Program-GHS
Recommend the Board ratify payment Robin Boyd to participate in the Extended School Day/Tutoring Program as a substitute at the Glassboro High School from January to June 2019. Funding provided through ESEA-ESSA funds at the hourly rate of $37.00. (attachment)
4. Field Trips
Recommend Board ratify and approve the following field trips for the 2018-2019 school year. (attachment)
Field Trip
Staff Member(s)
Consumer Bowl Competition
Barbara Jones
Six Flags
Barbara Jones
Camden County College
Nancy Brown
Mt. Zion Church
Peter Mott House
Johnson House
Tina Spadafora
Rowan University
Alaeida Decolli
Shop Rite of Glassboro
Alaeida Decolli
Kingsway High School
Woodbury Court House
Dustin Dapp
John Cino
Nick’s Pizza
Alaeida Decolli
Rowan Planetarium
Sarah Rondeau
Sonya Harris
Ralph Scott
Donna Romalino
Jennifer Alleman
Superior Court, Woodbury, NJ
Aileen Matias-Castro
Rowan Planetarium
Jacqueline Applegate
Desarea Simberg
Carl Aird
Stephanie Bernstiel
G. Informational
1. HIB Report (attachment)
2. Suspensions (attachment)
3. Board Reports
a. Rodgers (attachment)
b. Bullock (attachment)
c. Bowe (attachment)
d. GIS (attachment)
e. GHS/GHS Guidance/Athletics (attachment)
f. Bullock Guidance (attachment)
g. Bowe Guidance (attachment)
h. GIS Guidance (attachment)
i. CST (attachment)
4. Chief Academic Officer Report (attachment)
5. Status of SEL Initiative, LaVonyia Wilson-Mitchell (attachment)
6. Speech to Glassboro School Board on 12/12/18 (attachment)
7. Parent/Teacher Conference Schedule Proposal (attachment)
8. a. Interdistrict Amicus Brief Filing (attachment)
b. Choice Minority OPRA Request
c. NJ Interdistrict Press Release
d. Notice of Motion Seeking Leave to Appear
9. 2018-2019 Governor’s Educator of the Year Recipients (attachment)
10. Alternative Evening High School Update (attachment)
2. Operations
A. Building Issues
1. Rodgers School
a. Pre-School Playground Update (attachments)
2. Bullock School
3. Bowe School
a. HVAC Update (attachment)
4. Intermediate School
5. High School
6. Beach Administration Building
7. Technology
B. Awards/Donations
C. Transportation
1. Updated Bus Route Data (attachment)
2. Transportation Employees 2018-2019 Contracts (attachment)
3. 2018-2019 Transportation Staff Work Day / Hours
Recommend Board ratify the 2018-2019 Transportation Staff work days and hours effective September 1, 2018. (attachment)
D. Budget Recommendations/Grants
1. Recommend Board approval of the following Reports per attachments:
a. Warrant Account Bill List January 2019 (attachment)
b. Capital Projects Bill List January 2019 (attachment)
c. Handwritten Check List December 1-31, 2018 (attachment)
d. Board Secretary’s Report December 2018 (attachment)
e. Revenue Report December 2018 (attachment)
f. Treasurer’s Report December 2018 (attachment)
g. Food Service Profit & Loss November 2018 (attachment)
h. Food Service Profit & Loss December 2018 (none at this time)
Board Secretary’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of December 2018. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Treasurer’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of December 2018. The Treasurer’s Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the month of December 2018.
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.
Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2. Transfer Authorization
a. Recommend Board approval of the authorized transfers for December 2018. (attachment)
E. Resolutions/Contracted Services
1. Job Description-Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
Recommend Board approval of the revised job description for Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds. (attachment)
F. Informational – Reports/Articles/Miscellaneous
1. Reports
a. Maintenance Report (attachment)
b. Security Drill Report (attachment)
c. Variance Analysis Report (attachment)
e. Facility Request Report (attachment)
f. IT Report (attachment)
2. Articles
3. Miscellaneous
a. Collective Bargaining Agreements
1) GESPA Agreement – July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019 (attachment)
2) GEA Agreement – July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020 (attachment)
3) GPSA Agreement – July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2020 (attachment)
b. Block Scheduling Negotiations Update (attachment)
4. Technology Customer Satisfaction Survey Results
a. GPSD Staff Technology Survey Report (attachment)
b. GPSD Parent Technology Survey Report (attachment)
c. GPSD Student Technology Survey Raw Data Report (attachment)
5. LED Sign Quotes (attachment)
3. Administration
A. Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescind Action
1. Resignations
a. Recommend Board approval for the resignation of Daniel Ferentz effective January 31, 2019. (attachment)
2. Revocation of Tenure
3. Dismissal/Suspension
a. Termination-Employee #5127
Recommend Board approval for the termination of Employee #5127 effective January 23, 2019. (attachment)
4. Leaves of Absence
Return Date
Type of Leave
Melanie Storey
Unpaid LOA Extension
Susan Kornicki
Joan Johnson
Paid/Unpaid LOA
Kimberly Tursi
FMLA Extension
Kimberly Mueller
Cathy McDonald
Intermittent FMLA
Sonya Harris
Emily Gigliotti
FMLA/Paid/Unpaid LOA
Nicole Shaw
Paid LOA Extension
Karen Martorana
FMLA/Paid LOA Extension
Rita Procopio
5. Retirement
a. Recommend Board approval for the retirement of Joan Mannino effective June 30, 2019. (attachment)
b. Recommend board approval for the retirement of Elsie Tout effective July 1, 2019. (attachment)
6. Reduction in Force
7. Increment Withholding
B. New Employees/Transfers/Assignments/Contracts
1. New Employees
a. Teachers/Nurses/Secretaries/Aides/Substitute Nurses
1) Substitute Nurse
Recommend Board approval of Jaime Santore-Steinour as Substitute Nurse, on an as-needed basis, for the 2018-2019 school year at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate of $175.00 per day. (attachment)
2) Secretary-GIS
Recommend Board approval of Oneda Lee, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as 10-Month Secretary “B” at Intermediate School for the 2018-2019 school year at a prorated salary of $24,831.00. Start date to be determined. Ms. Lee is replacing Karen Hopper due to position change. (attachment)
3) Special Education Teacher-Bowe
Recommend Board approval of Lia Dunn, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as Special Education Teacher, BA+15, Step 1, at Thomas E. Bowe School for the 2018-2019 school year at a prorated annual salary of $50,273.00. Start date to be determined. Ms. Dunn is replacing Kristina Stump due to resignation. (attachment)
4) ABA/Pre-School Aide-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Megan Tyler as Associate Aide in the position of ABA/Pre-School Aide at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2018-2019 school year, 5.75 hours per day, Step 1, at a salary rate of $15.19 per hour effective January 28, 2019. Ms. Tyler is currently working as a Cafeteria Aide at Rodgers. This is a new position approved in the 2018-2019 budget. (attachment)
5) Part-Time Drama Teacher-GHS
Recommend Board approval of Kelsey Brown, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as Part-Time Drama Teacher, BA, Step 1, at Glassboro High School for the 2018-2019 school year at a prorated annual salary of $16,128.09. Start date to be determined. Ms. Brown is replacing Jennifer Grasso due to resignation. (attachment)
6) ABA Aide-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Jennifer Garcia-Contreras, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as General/Credentialed Aide in the position of ABA Aide at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2018-2019 school year, 5.75 hours per day, Step 1, at a salary rate of $14.52 per hour. Start date to be determined. Ms. Garcia-Contreras is replacing Brandi Floyd due to resignation. (attachment)
7) Teacher of Supplemental Instruction-Bowe
Recommend Board approval of Jason Kellum, pending receipt of certification and a positive criminal history background check, as Teacher of Supplemental Instruction, BA, Step 1, at Thomas E. Bowe School for the 2018-2019 school year at a prorated annual salary of $48,873.00. Start date to be determined. Mr. Kellum will be utilized as a Substitute, pending receipt of a Substitute Certificate, until certification is received. He is replacing Josephine Dolente due to resignation. (attachment)
b. Administration
1) Principal-Rodgers
Recommend Board approval of Monica Poland, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as Principal of J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2018-2019 school year, 12-month position, at the prorated annual salary of $105,000.00. Projected start date is late May 2019. Mr. Poland is replacing Aaron Edwards due to resignation. (attachment)
c. Bus Drivers/Bus Aides
1) Bus Driver
Recommend Board approval of Benjamin Brooks as Bus Driver for the 2018-2019 school year, 4.5 hours per day, 5 days per week at the hourly rate of $21.09 effective January 24, 2019. (attachment)
d. Substitute Bus Drivers and Aides
1) Substitute Bus Driver
Recommend Board approval of Amelia Salvatore as Substitute Bus Driver, on an as-needed basis, for the 2018-2019 school year at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate of $17.50 per hour effective January 24, 2019. (attachment)
e. Custodians/Housekeeper
f. Substitute Custodians/Grounds
g. Athletics
h. Source4Teachers Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of the January 2019 Source4Teachers Substitute list. (attachment)
i. Other
2. Employee Transfer/Appointments
3. Assignments
a. Kindergarten Teacher-Rodgers-FMLA Assignment
Recommend Board approval to hire Lindsey Ale, currently a Part-Time Teacher of Supplemental Instruction, as a full-time Kindergarten Teacher, BA Step 1, with benefits for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year effective January 24, 2019 to June 30, 2019 at a prorated annual salary of $48,873.00. Ms. Ale is replacing Amanda Fordyce due to FMLA maternity leave. (attachment)
4. Contracts
5. Miscellaneous
a. Reinstatement
Recommend Board approval for the reinstatement of Employee #5606 effective January 24, 2019 based on receipt of necessary documentation. (attachment)
6. Legal
C. Job Descriptions
D. Public Relations
1. Community Affairs Secretary Report – December 2018 (attachment)
E. Miscellaneous
1. Girls Basketball Skills Club
Recommend Board approval to establish a Co-Curricular Girls Basketball Skills Club with Monroe Willis and Lisa Montana as co-advisors for the 2018-2019 school year at a stipend amount of $568.00 each. This club will be conducted in lieu of a Girls Middle School Basketball Team due to low participation and will run from March 4, 2019 to April 18, 2019, 3 days per week from 2:15 pm to 3:30 pm. This club will provide an opportunity to learn and practice fundamental basketball skills in preparation for playing on the high school team. (attachment)
2. First Year Volunteer Club
Recommend Board approval of the First Year Volunteer Club, NJ Future Educators Association for the 2018-2019 school year. This club will recruit and develop prospective teachers through the dissemination of innovative programing and relevant research by elevating the image of teaching. Co-curricular Advisor is Nancy Brown. (attachment)
3. Change of Degree and/or Salary Status
Recommend Board approval of the following individuals for a change of degree and/or salary status. After reviewing their records it is recommended that the change of degree and/or salary status be effective February 1, 2019. (attachment)
Sarah Rondeau
BA to BA+15
Nancy Brown
BA+30 to MA
Carol Ceglia
MA+15 to MA+30
Scott Rogers
MA to MA+15
Tara Zaccardi
BA+15 to BA+30
Groups audience: