May 27, 2015 Agenda

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015 - 10:00pm


1.     Statement of Public Notice of Meeting in Accordance with New Jersey Public Meeting Act
2.     Motion for Executive Session
3.     Reconvene
4.     Flag Salute
5.     Approval of Minutes
April 8, 2015     Special Meeting Minutes (attachment)
April 29, 2015   Executive Minutes (attachment)
April 29, 2015   Public Minutes (attachment)
April 29, 2015  Public Budget Hearing Minutes (attachment)
6.     Opportunity for Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
  1. Board Committee Action
8.     Report of the Superintendent of Schools
A.     Recognition of GIS National Student Council Award – presented by Kriston Matthews
B.    Recognition of Bowe Math League – presented by Wanda Pichardo
C.    Recognition of GHS Get Fit Program Students – presented by Dr. Danielle Sneathen
D.    Recognition of Madjiguene Fall & Kriston Matthews, Minority Recruitment Participants – presented by Dr. Mark Silverstein
E.     Recognition of 2014-2015 Student Government Representatives – presented by Dr. Mark Silverstein
F.     Athletics Annual Report – presented by Jeff Cusack (attachment)
G.    Thomas E. Bowe School Annual Report – presented by Wanda Pichardo (attachment)
9.     Board Committee Reports
10. Old Business
11. New Business
12. Opportunity for the Public to Address the Board of Education regarding specific agenda items
In accordance with the Public Participation in Board Meetings, in Board Bylaw No. 0167, the Chair shall limit discussion from each individual, or group representative, to five (5) minutes.
13. Adjournment
DATE:              May 27, 2015
TIME:               7:00 P.M.
LOCATION:      Beach Administration Building
Public notice of this meeting or work session has been made in accordance with the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, Law of 1975.
Advanced public notice of this meeting was given January 8, 2015 including the time, date and place of the meeting.
Said public notice has been made as follows:
-           Notice has been posted in the Board of Education Office, Carpenter Street and Bowe Boulevard, Glassboro, N.J.
-           Notice has been communicated to the following newspapers:
a. South Jersey Times
b. Philadelphia Inquirer
c. Courier Post
-           Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro
Glassboro Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, N.J. 
WHEREAS The matters to be discussed in Part I of this session are matters listed for private discussion under Section 7, b, (1)-(9) of the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act, and 
WHEREAS The general nature of the subjects to be discussed are listed in the agenda for Part I of this meeting, attached, and 
WHEREAS The discussion on these matters will be disclosed to the public, if possible, when the Board convenes or at the next regular meeting of the Glassboro Board of Education on 
Date:                May 27, 2015
Time:               6:00 P.M.
Location:         Beach Administration Building
BE IT RESOLVED That the Glassboro Board of Education will discuss the matters listed in the agenda for Part I of this session in private.  
1.    Operations
A.     Building Issues
1)     Rodgers School
2)     Bullock School
3)     Bowe School
4)     Intermediate School
a)     Recommend Board approval of the French & Parrello Proposal for environmental services for the Glassboro Intermediate School for a budgetary estimate of $6,000.00. (attachment)
5)     High School
a)     Traffic Signal Update
6)     Beach Administration Building
7)     Technology
a)     Recommend Board approval to create and administer Glassboro High School Instagram and Twitter pages. These pages will be administered by Dr. Danielle Sneathen in conjunction with the Director of Technology. (attachment)
B.    Awards/Donations
C.    Transportation
1)     Route modifications / Bus Purchases (attachment)
D.    Budget Recommendations/Grants
1)     Recommend the Board approve the following Reports per attachments:
a)     Warrant Account Bill List May 2015 (attachment)
b)     Handwritten Check List April 1-30, 2015 (attachment)
c)     Board Secretary’s Report April 2015 (attachment)
d)     Revenue Report April 2015 (attachment)
e)     Treasurer’s Report April 2015 (attachment)
f)      Food Service Profit & Loss April 2015 (attachment)
Board Secretary’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of April 2015. The Board Secretary certifies that no line item account has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Treasurer’s Reports in accordance with 18A:17-36 and 18A:17-9 for the month of April 2015. The Treasurer’s Reports and Secretary’s Reports are in agreement for the month of April 2015.
Board Secretary in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)2 certifies that there are no changes in anticipated revenue amounts or revenue sources.
Board of Education Certification – pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4. We certify that after review of the secretary’s monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, that to the best of our knowledge no major accounts or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.
2)     Transfer Authorization:
a)     Recommend the Board approve the authorized transfers for April 2015. (attachment)
E.     Resolutions/Contracted Services
1)     Policies/Regulations
a)     Recommend Board approval of the second reading and adoption of the policies and regulations listed below. (attachments)

Policy 0134
Board Self-Evaluation
Policy 0152
Board Officers
Policy 2622
Student Assessment
Policy 3212
Attendance (Teaching Staff Members)
Policy 3218
Substance Abuse (Teaching Staff Members)
Regulation 3218
Substance Abuse (Teaching Staff Members)
Policy 4212
Attendance (Support Staff Members)
Policy 4218
Substance Abuse (Support Staff Members)
Regulation 4218
Substance Abuse (Support Staff Members)
Policy 5460
High School Graduation
Policy 8600
Regulation 8600
Pupil Transportation
Policy 8630
Bus Driver/Bus Aide Responsibility
Regulation 8630
Emergency School Bus Procedures
Policy 8635
Pupil Transportation Vehicles & School Buses
b)     Recommend Board approval of the first reading of the policies and regulations listed below. (attachment)

Policy 6641
Pupil Lunch Charges
c)     Recommend Board approval of the first and second reading and adoption of the policies and regulations listed below. (attachment)

Policy 5770
Pupil Right of Privacy
2)     Joint Transportation Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the Joint Transportation Agreement with Newark Board of Education for the transportation of one student, Route YALEW/CCC to Yale, Williamstown, in the amount of $15,017.22 for the 2014-2015 school year. (attachment)
3)     2015-2016 School Lunch Prices
Recommend Board approval to adopt an increase of 10 cents for the cost of a student lunch as required by the State of New Jersey for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
4)     Resolution for the Sale of Bonds
Recommend Board approval to adopt the Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the school district in the aggregate principal amount of up to $23,647,000.00. (attachment)
5)     Architectural Services Invoices
Recommend Board approval to make payment to Fraytak, Veisz, Hopkins, Duthie for Architectural Services pursuant to a contract total of $1,293,900.00. Invoices total $97,465.00. (attachment)
6)     Schedule of Payments
Recommend Board approval of the Schedule of Payments to the District from the Borough of Glassboro for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
7)     Inter-Local Agency/Shared Service Agreement/Consortia Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the Inter-Local Agency/Shared Service Agreement/ Consortia Agreement with EIRC for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
8)     Services Exceeding Bid Threshold
Recommend Board approval to adopt the Resolution pursuant to Title 18A:18A-5(5) allowing the District to exceed the bid threshold of $36,000.00 for the purpose of obtaining educational goods. (attachment)
9)     S4Teachers, LLC
Recommend Board approval of the addendum to the original agreement in order to continue the use of services with S4Teachers, LLC for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
10) Resolution – New Jersey Schools Insurance Group – ERIC South
Recommend Board approval to adopt the 2015-2018 Resolution to remain a member of the New Jersey Schools Insurance Group – ERIC South and maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance Coverage. (attachment)
11) 2015 Right-To-Know Proposal
Recommend Board approval of the Pars Environmental, Inc. Proposal to provide professional services regarding the New Jersey Right-To-Know (RTK) and Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health (PEOSH) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) compliance in the amount of $2,550.00.
F.     Informational – Reports/Articles/Miscellaneous
1)     Reports
a)     Maintenance Report (attachment)
b)     Security Drill Report (attachment)
c)     Variance Analysis Report (attachment)
d)     Nutri-Serve Food Management Report (attachment)
2)     Articles
3)     Miscellaneous
a)     NJSIAA Membership
Recommend Board approval New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association application and payment of membership dues for the 2015-2016 school year. Cost of membership is $2,150.00. Funding is provided through the Athletic Budget. (attachment)
b)     Amended March 18, 2015 Board Minutes
Recommend Board approval to amend the March 18, 2015 Board of Education Minutes to include the Nutri-Serve Food Management presentation. (attachment)
c)     Construction Manager/Clerk of the Works Timeline (attachment)
d)     Architect’s Drawdown Schedule / Fee Schedule (attachments-2)
e)     Cafeteria Capital Projects (attachment)
2.    Administration
A.     Resignations/Retirements/Leaves of Absence/Rescind Action
1)     Resignations
2)     Revocation of Tenure
3)     Dismissal/Suspension
4)     Leaves of Absence
a)     Anne Sophie-Meeks has requested to utilize NJFLA/FMLA from September 1, 2015 with an anticipated return date of December 14, 2015.
b)     Robert Preston has requested to utilize NJFLA/FMLA from September 1, 2015, with an anticipated return date of December 17, 2015.
c)     Vera Faux has requested to utilize NJFLA/FMLA from May 4, 2015, with an anticipated return date of June 1, 2015.
d)     Milissa Whiting will be on Worker's Comp Leave from May 5, 2015, with an anticipated return date of June 8, 2015. (attachment)
5)     Retirement
6)     Reduction in Force
7)     Increment Withholding
B.    New Employees/Transfers/Assignments/Contracts
1)     New Employees
a)     Teachers/Nurses/Secretaries/Aides
1.     Recommend Board approval, pending receipt of a criminal history background check, of Caitlin Clements as Part-Time Art Teacher at Glassboro High School for the 2015-2016 school year, effective September 1, 2015. Ms. Clements will be placed on Step 1 MA at an annual salary of $27,176.50. (attachment)
b)     Administration
c)     Bus Drivers
d)     Bus Aides
e)     Substitute Bus Drivers and Aides
f)      Custodians/Housekeeper
1.     Recommend Board approval of Lisa Blanton, pending receipt of a positive criminal history background check, as second shift Housekeeper for the 2014-2015 school year, Step 1, at a prorated salary of $23,047.00. Start date to be determined. Ms. Blanton will be replacing Robert Rex Lewis who resigned. (attachment)
g)     Substitute Custodians/Grounds
h)     Athletics
Recommend Board approval of the attached 2015-2016 Coaching Positions. (attachment)
i)       Source4Teachers Substitutes
Recommend Board approval of the May 2015 Source4Teachers Substitute list. (attachment)
j)      Other
2)     Employee Transfer/Appointments
a)     Recommend Board ratify the transfer of Roseann Schopfer from Dorothy L. Bullock School as Cafeteria Aide to J. Harvey Rodgers School as a Classroom Aide, 5.75 hours per day, 5 days a week, at an hourly rate of $14.86, effective May 18, 2015 for the 2014-2015 school year. Ms. Schopfer will be replacing Jeffrey Lake who resigned. (attachment)
3)     Assignments
a)     Recommend Board ratify Francis Foley as Custodian for the 2014-2015 school year effective March 17, 2015, Step 1, at a prorated salary of $28,986.00. Mr. Foley successfully completed the New Jersey Black Seal Boiler’s License preparatory class and passed the exam for the license. (attachment)
4)     Contracts
a)     2015-2016 Contract Non-Renewal / Transfer List (attachment)
b)     2015-21016 Staff Reappointment List (attachment)
c)     Recommend Board approval for a 2.4% salary increase for the Central Office Staff for the 2015-2016 school year effective July 1, 2015 as per the attached. (attachment)
d)    Recommend Board approval of the 2015-2016 School Business Administrator/Board Secretary Employment Contract. This contract was reviewed and approved by the Gloucester County Interim Executive Regional Superintendent. (attachment)
5)     Miscellaneous
a)     Recommend Board approval for authorization to the Superintendent to offer contracts to staff as needed in consultation with the Board President during July, August and September 2015 before the regularly scheduled Board Meetings.
6)     Legal
7)     Extended School Year
8)     Alternative Evening School
C.    Workshops/Training/Professional Development
D.    Grants
E.     Policies/Job Descriptions
F.     Public Relations
1)     Community Affairs Secretary Report – April  (attachment)
G.    Miscellaneous
1)     Auditorium/Stage Crew Supervisor Substitutes
Recommending Board approval of the following staff members as Auditorium/Stage Crew Supervisor Substitutes in the event that Dan Beaver is unavailable. These substitutes would only be used for outside organizations using the district facility. Rate of pay will be $36.00 per hour and will be paid via funds collected from the facility usage fee. There is no cost to the district. (attachment)
Patricia Yanez
Richard Wisniewski
Ryan Henderson
2)     2015 Rodgers School Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval for School Nurse, Nancy Fiebig, to work up to 32 hours at an hourly rate of $36.00 throughout the summer to assist with registration. (attachment)
3)     2015 Bullock School Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval of the following Bullock School staff to be paid for summer hours in preparation for the opening of the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
a)     Marian Dunn, School Nurse, to be paid up to 20 hours at per diem rate
b)     Carol Yaksta, 10 Month Secretary, to be paid up to 3 days, 5 hours per day
4)     2015 Bowe School Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval of the following Bowe School Staff to be paid for summer hours in preparation for the opening of the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
a)     Nine (9) teachers to be paid up to 4 hours each at the rate of $36.00 per hour
b)     Tammy Belcher to be paid up to 2 days at per diem rate
c)     Michael Sharkey to be paid up to 3 days at the rate of $36.00 per hour
d)     Ron Ferraro to be paid up to 2.5 days at per diem rate
5)     2015 Intermediate School Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval of the following Intermediate School staff to be paid for summer hours in preparation for the opening of the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
a)     David Davenport to be paid up to 10 days at per diem rate.
b)     Eight (8) teachers to be paid for 6 hours each at the rate of $36.00 per hour.
c)     Virginia Velykis, 10 Month Secretary, to be paid at an hourly salary rate for up to ten days.
6)     2015 High School Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval of Ms. Mattioli, Ms. Ragozzino and Ms. Boyd to be paid per diem rate to work additional summer days. This is necessary in the scheduling component during the summer. Ms. Mattioli and Ms. Ragozzino would work an additional 15 days and Ms. Boyd a total of 20 additional days. The additional days for Ms. Boyd are due to her taking on some of the duties of guidance director. (attachment)
7)     2015 GHS Athletics/School Nurse Employment
Recommend Board approval of the following staff members to work a maximum of 16 hours during the summer to review and file sports physicals in student medical files. Medical eligibility lists will be provided to the appropriate head coaches. (attachment)
Erin Perewiznyk, School Nurse, 3 days, 4 hours per day
Catherine Straube, School Nurse, 1 day, 4 hours
8)     2015 Child Study Team Summer Employment
Recommend Board approval for up to eleven members of the Child Study Steam to work during the summer. Summer work includes initial planning, meetings, conducting evaluations, IEP meetings, case management responsibilities and planning for the 2015-2016 school year. Team members will be paid their per diem rate for up to five days each not to exceed the budgeted amount of $25,000.00 through IDEA. (attachment)
9)     Event Staff
Recommend Board approval of the following individuals to work home athletic events as chain crew, ticket sellers, ticket takers, security, site managers, clock/timers, field markers (track), videotaping, scoreboard operator and announcing, effective September 1, 2015. (attachment)

Robert Hemmes
Joan Beebe
Jeneen Sperratore Callahan
Tina Glackin-Brown
Richard Wisniewski
Sharon Mucerino
Abdul Payne
Christine Abrams
Jennifer Hunter
Herbert Neilio
Nancy Brown
Tina Spadafora
Kim Syvertsen
Karmin Humes
Laura Holman
Karen Hopper
Stephen Belh
Carol Sharp
Matthew Enuco
David Davenport
Danielle Fiscella
John Cino
Joyce Calzonetti
Ryan Henderson
Bruce Farquhar
Christopher Wood
Caterina Dawson
Richard Morrison
Robert Preston
Jamie Cleary
Lynlee Phillips
Gregory Maccarone
Bruce Hunter
Staff are paid as follows:

Videotaping football games
$90.00 per event
Security for high school events
$50.00 per event
Chain crew
$45.00 per game
Football clock operators
Basketball clock operators/timers
$36.00 per varsity/JV games
Track & field timers/markers
$50.00 per game
Site managers
$100.00 per event
10) Seeds to Success Youth Farm Stand
a)     Recommend Board approval of Barbara Jones as Facilitator for the Seeds to Success program for a maximum of 100 hours at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate, currently $35.84 per hour, beginning July 7, 2015 through August 6, 2015. Ms. Jones’ responsibilities will consist of working at the farm stand for 5 weeks, 6 hours per day, 3 days per week and completing paperwork; i.e., student, paperwork, community collaborating, ordering produce from local farms, etc.
b)     Recommend Board approval of Robert Hemmes as Assistant Facilitator for the Seeds to Success program for a maximum of 65 hours at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate, currently $35.84 per hour, beginning July 7, 2015 through August 6, 2015. Mr. Hemmes will assist with the supervising and working of the farm stand, attend training sessions and allow for Mrs. Jones to receive a daily lunch break and make bank deposits.
c)     Recommend board approval of the following students to receive one hour of training and work 5 weeks, 4 hours per day, 3 days per week at the rate of $8.38 per hour at the farm stand.
John Ammaturo
Arielle Fithian
Jonathon Hodson
Bryce Washington
(4) additional student works to be determined after interview process
In addition, the farm stand will be located at the corner of Bowe Boulevard and Carpenter Street (outside of the Board Office) and the boardroom will be used to store equipment, supplies and produce. (attachment)
11) SAT Prep Course-Instructors
Recommend Board approval to offer an SAT Prep course twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Maria Brown will serve as SAT Prep Math Teacher and Patricia Massell will serve as SAT Prep English Teacher for 3 hours a week each, 2 evenings a week. The fall session will be November 9, 10, 16, 18, 23 and 24, 2015. The spring session will be February 16, 17, 22, 24, 29 and March 2, 2016. (attachment)
12) 2015 Summer School Staff
Recommend Board approval of the following individuals as 2015 Summer School staff and substitutes, at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate, currently $35.84 per hour. (attachment) Math and Language Arts teachers will work 6.5 hours per day Monday through Thursday. The Language Lab teacher will work 1.5 hours per day Monday through Thursday proctoring ad supervising students enrolled in the Enrichment Language Courses offered on-line.

Jamie Cleary
Math Teacher
Carol Ceglia
Language Arts Teacher
Patricia Yanez
Language Lab Teacher
Andrew Kerns-Pancoast
Caterina Dawson
Tara Guiliani
13) 3 or More Preps
Recommend Board ratify payment to the following staff members for teaching 3 or more preparations during the 2014-2015 school year at a stipend amount of $500. (attachments)

Christopher Wood

Christine Abrams
Christine Duffey
Barbara Jones
Jennifer Roberts
Michael Belh
Susan Evans
Michele Memis
Leonor Thomas
Nancy Brown
Bruce Farquhar
Maureen Morrison
John Cino
Alexis George
Richard Morrison
Jamie Cleary
Ryan Henderson
Robert Preston
3.    Instruction
A.     Grants/Assessments/Curriculum/Workshops/Professional Development
1)     Grants
a)     2014-2015 Perkins Grant Coordinators
Recommend Board approval for payment of the following staff members as 2014-2015 Perkins Grant Coordinators in the amount of $500.00 each. Responsibilities included development of Career Technical Education Model Curriculum, Vocational Education Data System reporting, Career & Technical Student Organization activities and other related tasks. Funding is provided through the Perkins Secondary Grant. (attachment)
Kim Syvertsen
Nancy Brown
b)     WriteStart Boot Camp
Recommend Board approval for the submission of RFP #15-023 for $26,871.00 to the County of Gloucester through the Community Development Block Grant Program for funding for the Intermediate School WriteStart Boot Camp for the period June 2015 - August 2015. (attachments)
c)     Thomas R. Brown Athletic Grant
Recommend Board ratify submission and approve the awarded amount of $1,000.00 for the Thomas R. Brown Athletic Grant from the New Jersey Education Association sponsored by the California Casualty Auto and Home Insurance Company for the Glassboro High School Field Hockey Team. (attachment)
2)     Title I Staff
3)     Assessments
4)     Curriculum
5)     Professional Development/Workshops
Recommend Board approval of the attached professional development/workshops. (attachment)
B.    Field Experiences/Enrollment
1)     Field Experience
a)     Rowan University – Counseling Internship
Recommend Board approval of Rowan University student, Garry Jones, to complete 600 hours of Counseling Internship with David Davenport at Glassboro Intermediate School from September 1, 2015 to May 9, 2016. (attachment)
b)     Rowan University – Clinical Practice
Recommend Board approval of the following Rowan University students to complete 560 hours of Clinical Practice as follows. (attachments)
September 2, 2015 to October 23, 2015

Staff Member
Katherine Wyatt
Kimberly Tursi
October 26, 2015 to December 18, 2015

Staff Member
William Brown
Matthew Enuco
c)     Rowan University – Observation
Recommend Board approval of the following Rowan University students from Professor Dr. Jane Bean Folkes’ class for two hours of observation time at the Thomas E. Bowe School. (attachment)
May 28, 2015 to June 12, 2015

Amy Duffy
Stephanie Leanne Daley
Nicolette Cecero
Megan Elizabeth Sigado
Samantha L. Baer
Nicole D. Hodges
Kyle Thomas Hamilton
2)     Enrollment/ADA (attachment)
C.    Testing
1)     PSAT
Recommend Board approval for the administration of the PSAT to the entire Sophomore and Junior classes sponsored by the school district. The PSAT would be administered on a Wednesday during school hours. Payment for the test is $14.00 per student. Cost to the district is $4,800.00. (attachment)
D.    Special Education/Other Student Issues
1)     2015-2016 OOD Placements
Recommend Board approval for the attached list of students to continue out-of-district placement for the 2015-2016 school year, including extended school year services and one-to-one aides where appropriate. Cost to the district will be determined once tuition rates are received from the receiving schools. (attachment)
2)     OOD Placement – Student ID #15-26
Recommend Board approval of Student ID #15-26 at West Deptford School District for the 2014-2015 school year. Effective date to be determined.   Cost to district estimated to be $1,713.60. (attachment)
E.     Athletics
1)     Preseason Practices/Conditioning
Recommend Board approval for fall sports teams to conduct preseason practices, weight training and conditioning practices effective June 18, 2015 prior to the start of the fall season in September 2015. Preseason camp starts on August 14, 2015. (attachment)
2)     Football Mini-Camp
Recommend Board approval of a football mini-camp effective June 8, 2015 to June 11, 2015 to prepare for the fall season. The team will practice without pads and conduct non-contact drills. Approved coaches will be available during the camp but will not receive compensation. Camp time is 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Bus transportation has been requested. (attachment)
F.     Miscellaneous
1)     Rowan “STEAM Ahead College Experience”
Recommend Board approval to sponsor two District students to participate in the Rowan University Summer Mini-College: STEAM Ahead College Experience Program. Total cost per student is $4,500.00. This includes the cost of staffing, instruction, field trips, transportation, housing, meals, and laundry services. Students will receive 3 semester hours of transferable college-level credit on an accelerated schedule and at a significantly reduced rate. Rowan University is sponsoring 8 students to participate in this program. (attachment)
2)     Family Literacy/Math Evenings
a)     Recommend Board ratify dates for payment to staff members to participate in the evening programs at J. Harvey Rodgers School for the 2014-2015 school year as follows. Staff members are paid by NCLB Title I Funds at the current contracted hourly rate of $34.00. There is no change in total hours or cost. The Family Nights will take place on May 21, 2015 and June 10, 2015. (attachment)
From: Math/Literacy Night Program for twelve (12) staff members for one session
To: Math/Literacy Night Program for six (6) staff members for two sessions
b)     Recommend Board approval for payment to staff members to participate in the evening programs at Dorothy L. Bullock School for the 2014-2015 school year. Staff members are paid by NCLB Title I Funds at the current contracted hourly rate of $34.00. (attachment)
Math/Literacy Night Program for twelve (12) staff members for two sessions

Planning/Presentation/Training – 12 x 3 hours
3)     2015 Extended School Year
Recommend Board approval of the attached 2015 Extended School Year staff from July 6, 2015 to July 30, 2015. All funding is provided through the IDEA Grant. (attachment)

Nanci Moore
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Misc. Pay Rate
8:15 am – 12:45 pm
$   175.00 per day
Marian Dunn
Substitute Nurses:
8:15 am – 12:45 pm
$   175.00 per day
Nancy Fiebig
Christa Taylor
Sandy Schmittinger
Jennifer Rathbone
Occupational Therapist:
TBD-Depending upon services needed
$     55.55 per hour
Beth Grygo
Speech Therapist:
TBD-Depending upon services needed
$     55.55 per hour
Shanna Hetzell
8:15 am – 12:45 pm
$     35.84 per hour
Alisa McDermott
Desarea Simberg
Amy Witkoski
Karin Pescatore
Katie Evans
Marissa Johnston
Teresa White
All teachers will receive up to four hours for classroom preparation and lesson planning at the Miscellaneous Pay Rate of $35.84 per hour.
Classroom Aides:
9:00 am – 12:30 pm
$     13.90 per hour
Nancy Downham (1:1)
Debbie Fanfarillo (1:1)
Regina Campbell
Debbie Kersey (1:1)
Physical Therapy:
Gloucester County Special Services School District will provide Physical Therapy Services to district students who have this need identified in their IEPs for the Extended School Year Program. The therapist will work up to three hours per week for four weeks. The proposed amount is $1,260.00 - $1,500.00. Funding is provided through the IDEA Grant.
4)     Bullock Afterschool Tutoring
Recommend Board ratify payment for the following staff members for providing afterschool tutoring at a rate of $36.00 per hour for the Bullock School effective May 1, 2015. Funding is provided through NCLB Title I funds. (attachment)

Andrea Dalfonso
Jacqueline Applegate
Sandra Debes
Aileen Matias-Castro
Desarea Simberg
Karen Peale
Venetia Miner
Patricia Paulsen
Marcy Concannon
Kimberly Tursi
Rona Johnson
Elizabeth Conley
5)     2015-2016 Homeless Student Agreement
Recommend Board approval of the Gloucester County Homeless Student Agreement for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachment)
6)     Professional Development Plans
Recommend Board approval of the following Glassboro Public Schools Professional Development Plans and District Mentor Plan for the 2015-2016 school year. (attachments)
a)     J. Harvey Rodgers School
b)     Dorothy L. Bullock School
c)     Thomas E. Bowe School
d)     Glassboro Intermediate School
e)     Glassboro High School
f)      District
g)     District Mentor Plan
G.    Informational
1)     HIB (attachment)
2)     Suspensions (attachment)
3)     Board Reports
a.     Rodgers (attachment)
b.     Bullock (attachment)
c.     Bowe (attachment)
d.     GIS (attachment)
e.     GHS/GHS Guidance/Athletics (attachment)
f.      Bullock Guidance (attachment)
g.     Bowe Guidance (attachment)
h.     GIS Guidance (attachment)
i.       CST (attachment)
4)     Director of Curriculum, Special Education & Personnel Report (attachment)
5)     Glassboro Public Schools Second Annual Dyslexia Conference (attachment)
6)     Interdistrict Survey PowerPoint (attachment)
7)     Benchmark Presentations – presented by Building Principals
8)     Philadelphia Zoo UNLESS Contest Winners (attachment)


Public Attachments: 
Groups audience: